Sunday, 31 August 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Advisor Razr: "Great Gagnorok, through your guidance we have had many victories on the battlefield. I would not easily admit being afraid, but I do fear some other nations on the continent. Not because they have strong warriors; nobody can match our guys. No, I fear their cancerous growth. Perhaps we ought to expand too. If you decide to expand, I suggest we get some sustainable method of producing food. I know you are not keen on using slaves, so perhaps we can use some spare women to keep some pigs? It's not that hard. Pigs'll eat anything. Even shit."

Advisor Rokan: "I think that's a good idea. However, we also shouldn't waste good meat. Whenever some weakling amongst us dies, we burn their corpses out of respect. All I see is a terrible waste. If you can't fight, what better purpose is there than to serve as food for those that do fight?"

Advisor Bork: "I have heard from a hermit priest that when you eat a weakling, you get their weaknesses. And when you eat a strong person, you gain their strengths. So, for example, if you want to be good at shouting, you eat the tongue of someone that can shout. If you eat big balls, you become extra potent. What I'm saying, is that we shouldn't eat just everybody. Or every part. Only people that look like they were powerful. And parts that seem to contain power. That makes sense, doesn't it?"


Advisor August: "Our nice cities are littered with stray people. Vermin, if you ask me. I don't want to see or smell those pathetic pests that are too lazy to work. These people either bother customers by begging endlessly with teethless mouths, or scare them away because of their general repulsiveness. Can't you just make them go away? Get some soldiers to throw them in a dungeon? I'd say out of sight, out of mind, but the stench will remain for a while."

Advisor Hussime: "You cannot do that. They did not choose to become homeless. Possessionless. They were made so by society. We should give them some means to get started again. An investment, to create a better future for all."

Advisor Stojan: "I like where this is going. We invest in these people, and if they do not pay back the money they borrowed (plus some interest) within the agreed timeframe, they have to give up their sole possession: their life. Yes. I am talking about slavery. Think about it. It's a way to get them off the streets, to get them to work, and to provide food, all in one! I'll be the first to invest in these people!"


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."


Advisor Marakugh: "I've learned something that might be of interest to you. Some of our citizens are disobeying the natural order. Brothers mate with sisters. Parents mate with children. Inbreeding, that leads to degeneration of the body and of the mind, I fear. We must do something about it. Perhaps we can expand the wraith organization, and have them secretly check what people are doing in their homes on regular basis. If they disobey the law, we will throw them in the dungeon. It's infringement of their privacy, yes. But what does it matter if they do not know? Well, until they misbehave of course."

Advisor Mawet: "We should prohibit sexual activities until the age of twelve. And make the parents enforce it. If any girls below that age get pregnant we will question her to reveal the identity of her sexual partner. And we do not incarcerate them, but their parents. As those parents were apparently too lazy or unfit to teach their offspring how to behave."

Advisor Zeeth-es: "Laws that repress sexuality are against the natural order. Do you want to create even more civil disorder, disobedience? I say let people fuck whoever they please. Let them fuck elves, or even pigs. And if we do get some degenerates we just dispose of them, right? Why throw fit people in jail for feeling horny? It's our nature. We should not deny who we are."


Advisor Aleras: "Honorable lady and lord, I have found another way of reducing the threat that is black metal. We can create cyprium coils in the ground before city gates, hooked to amber-power mills. This will create an invisible field within black metal becomes significantly heavier, to the point where the enemy cannot fight properly with their weapons.

However, I still think reforging the armor and weapons is a better plant. These coils cannot be carried across the battlefield, because they do not work without the mills, and are pretty heavy themselves. This static solution is also more expensive."

Junior alchemist Frulir: "What if we modify the coils a bit to store the amber-power in a ....? If we then release the energy, a great destructive power will exit the top of the coil, and 'desires' to go to the cyprium plate on the ground. Only it does not want to travel through air, but rather through black metal. Any person carrying an armor made of black metal will be roasted before they can enter our towns. You don't even need guards! .. Oh, of course there is a countdown before the coils can fire again. But I'm sure that nobody will enter a gate that has just turned their friends to ash."

Advisor Aleras: "You are not allowed to speak here! ... hmm. Well I suppose it is possible. If we ... we could incorporate the mills and coils on siege towers, we can move them around. We could use saudhs to pull them. That way we can move our defence system to the hypothetical front line."

Advisor Jawahir: "I would suggest not to go ahead with this, but you are planning on hiring out our soldiers. In that case we need to increase tax. Let each citizen of zalfir write one extra shortstory each week."


Advisor Bulbe: "Your ladyship, I bring alarming information. The loch Lomond contains a strange danger, though not of the dragon kind. We have spotted humanoids coming out of the lake at night. At day they hide in the water, they are apparently able to breathe under water, and are presumably harmless. But at night they come out. They have already assaulted a number of our people, and there's even one case of abduction and drowning. Horrible. I say we place a good number of guards in the town near the lake to protect the people. Kill anything that comes out of the lake and or tries to enter the town at night. We cannot take any more chances."

Advisor Feyte: "That will be a constant battle between equestrian and lake-monster. I propose we send a specially trained team adept at holding their breath, and find the under water nests or wherever these beasts spawn, and exterminate them. That's the only way we will get some rest around here."

Advisor Moath: "You can't do that! Think about the environment, about nature. About the magic of this place. If we are going to destroy these creatures then the next thing is fish that bite, or itchy weeds. Or irritating birds. We cannot turn the whole world into a perfectly ordered city. Or we can, but I don't want it. It takes all the fun out of the world. It makes everything so dull. And you cannot reverse this. You cannot bring back species from extinction."

Unaddressed issue from year 2:

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."

Sunday, 24 August 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Advisor Ter: "We have some problems at the black ore mine. Those men you assigned to work there have started a riot. And frankly, sir, I don't blame them. Who wants to destroy himself by working in that choke hole while you could be chopping off heads in the bright sunlight? I suggest we close the damned mine. Where do we need that rock for anyway?"

Advisor Rokan: "For metal axes and armor perhaps?"

Advisor Ter: "I know. Shut up, or I'll smash your head against the wall. No, I wasn't talking to you, Sir. I just want to say that your battle-lust is all the armor you need. And your two fists are your best weapons."

Advisor Rokan: "Except for the beautiful black metal plates and blades. You should not listen to that dimwit. But he's right in saying that we have a problem with our miners. What if we'd just keep some of our male enemies as slaves after a raid? Let them work in our mines. You'd have to pay the guards, I suppose. But that's better than paying the miners."

Advisor Bork: "No, male slaves always give problems. I've seen that before. Always trying to escape, always trying to sabotage. Just give our miners a decent pay. Ripe meat, brown ale, and fresh women is what comes to mind."

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Advisor Stojan: "My king, we need something to bind our people together. To form a strong nation. Especially with our neighbours the Roks. Therefore, I propose we choose a national religion. Recently, one particular religion has received a lot of positive attention. Disorganized groups of nords in the east have discovered an artefact, a book. It details the life of an ancestor of ours, called 'Valerian'. From what I've heard he was great at trading, because he knew how to get the favor of the goddess Fortuna. By living a certain way, as is detailed in the book, you can bend luck in amazing ways. For example, predict die throw results, and 'accidentally' receive extra money for a trade, and sometimes silver coins turn out to be made of gold."

Advisor Scochorl: "That book may be old. But the spirits of nature are older. And the spirits of nature are everywhere. We need to create a subsidized Druidic order, to restore the balance of the worlds. With every trade you gain some and you lose some. That is the law of nature. These druids could carve runes, provide stimulating mushroom potions, and erect nithing poles against the Roks."

Advisor August (whispers in your ear): "I have a better idea. We could pay some druids to work for us, and create omens showing that the spirits of nature and luck are on your side. And silence those that say otherwise. Show the people that your rule is divine. The fact that you are king is proof that you are blessed. I'm saying this because a separate religion might compete with your power. You don't want some man with a dress kicking you off your throne. And that wouldn't happen if you are both the king and the high priest."


Minister Fulco: "Hail Kaiser Alexander! We have received word from our southern cousins. A book has been discovered, detailing the life of a great warrior. He could defeat all because he knows the ways of Fortuna. This warlord Valerian is a direct ancestor to your eminence. It would be logical to immediately announce your divinity. Anyone that says otherwise should be hanged."

Minister Gregorius: "That's good and all, but ... hanging? That's a bit harsh. No, no. First we should teach people the ways of Fortuna. And educate them how the successes of Valerian eventually culminated in the founding of our great nation. And if they start revolting later we can just re-educate them, in the torturing chamber."

Minister Henricus: "This religion may be good for business. We could make (apparently) intricate geomantic devices that help please Fortuna. And sell these for ridiculous prices. I can see our national treasury filling up already."


Advisor Tanatei: "Our dark and beautiful Khyrei has recently gone even darker. But not for the good. Apparently random killings pose real problems to our economy. We should get a proper national guard, stationed on various populous locations. And if the mere presence of those guards does not deter the murderers, the excessively violent public executions should."

Advisor Marakugh: "Guards are static, not very effective. We should instead build a team of highly-trained assassins. They will roam the streets disguise, and silence anyone that has committed a crime against your Ladyship. Everybody will fear our 'wraiths'.

Advisor Zeeth-es: "This is not a problem. Those victims were apparently defenceless weaklings. Good riddance."


Advisor Nehenen: "Our prismatic guard is great in theory, but they lack practical experience. What about creating fight-to-the-death arena battles? We'll pit the guards against criminals. And if we charge people for watching, we can pay the winners of these fights. To give them some motivation to participate."

Advisor Aleras:  "After many experimentations I have uncovered a more important problem. When an enemy hits the armor or weaponry with a sharp projectile or blade containing black metal, the glass item shatters into a thousand pieces. I expect that our soldiers don't like becoming human pin-cushions. My experiments have shown that the glass can be improved by adding the mineral Mintorium. If you just pay some people to get the stuff out of the ground, then I and my apprentices can make improved versions of our prismatic armor and weapons."

Advisor Jawahir: "Who cares about all of this? This warmongering. Our POTENTIAL enemies are still far away. If you want to pay someone to do things of national interest, I would say that our gardens and houses need some attention. Some beautification and unification. So that they become as wondrous as those of the fairytales we hear and read all the time. Oh and by unification I don't mean that everything has to look the same. Just that there's one common theme."


Advisor Kvikke: "We need to bind our people closer together for the perpetuation of our nation. To achieve this, we should create an educational institution. A school, where every child learns about Equestrians history, and about the holy Friendship. About anything that glorifies the nation and unifies all Equestrians."

Advisor Tali: "I agree with Kvikke, but only if the parents pay. It's only fair to charge those with a lot of children more than those with few or none."

Advisor Moath: "Let our children play for goodness' sake. Let them find out things on their own."

Sunday, 17 August 2014


Kingdom of Rok - Weakness

Advisor Bork: "Many of our new soldiers come into this world diseased or weak due to the filthy state of their mothers. I propose we create indoor breeding houses, where we keep our best women clean. I also think we need to sterilize the stray women."

Advisor Rokan: "A breeding house is a good idea, but who is going to pay for it's maintenance? Why don't we charge the men for each visit? I think superior hygiene is worth a few roks. And if they can't cough up enough silver, there's still the bitches on the street to use."

Advisor Ter: "I was born in the mud. It makes a man out of you. But yeah, I've seen the weaklings. They'll screw up our raids. What about getting a coming of age fight-off? When the new men reach the age of, say, 8, they will fight each other to death. That way we only keep the best."

Slevadovia - Education matters

Advisor Zenja: "If we want to trade with other nations, our people must be able to count. Most cannot even make the most simplest of calculations, and virtually nobody can read. If we don't want to be a poor country ridiculed by our neighbours, we need to educate our people. Demand a few years of our children's childhood. Teach them mathematics, trading ethics, and a bit of insurance law."

Advisor Stojan: "Not everybody is going to be a merchant or pawnbroker, right? Yes, let's create educational institutions, but only for those that can afford the great privilege of formal education."

Advisor August: "We don't want that, and the peasants don't want that either. They simply need their children to assist in farming business and such. Besides, you don't want the peasants to get too clever. They might revolt."

Lienzo Republic - Early Corruption

Minister Cayu: "From an anonymous Merkas apostate I have some information regarding potential illegal practices. According to the apostate, children as young as 2 years of age receive body piercings in ... ehm ... sensitive locations on the body. Anyway, if what she says is true, we should take some kind of appropriate action. We could outlaw the practice, and perhaps get physicians to check the children now and then for injuries while they're at school. Perhaps there are even more abusive practices going on that we do not now of."

Minister Muthidh: "This is what happens when you let people choose whatever they want to believe. They get corrupted by those infernal Merkan priests, and priests of numerous other cults. We need to teach the children at schools about the will of Lady Natura. Teach them about the spirits in the trees and rocks, and how to please them. We will not only cure the lands of Lienzo. We will cure the whole of Jotnjordh."

Parliament clerk Rookuk: "I am a Merkan, and I'm proud of it. To take that ritual away from us, is to remove the soil beneath our feet. You cannot deny us our rituals. Our freedom of religion is guaranteed by the Declaration of the Rights of People and of the Citizen. And besides, our children are not in pain. We give them plenty of laudanum before the Zook. Now tell me, what is the name of that traitor woman?"

Zalfir - The currency conundrum

Advisor Thepoath: "Mylady, mylord, it appears that our economic system is not as efficient as of neighbouring countries. Perhaps we could create trading houses with impartial mediators, literature connoisseurs, that accurately determine the value of a story or game. It may sound contradictory, but adding that to the system will increase the speed of transactions. It'll also increase equality."

Advisor Jawahir: "No need for complicating our beautiful, unique system. The parties involved in a transaction can and should find a solution themselves, if there is a problem at all. Transactions are not public matters."

Advisor Maezdat: "Advisor Thepoath is on to something, but perhaps we should abolish tangible currency altogether. We could create an agency that keeps track of each person's wealth. The agency needs to be informed of each transaction by the presence of an agency clerk, or by written statement signed by both parties. That way we increase transaction efficiency, and have total control over our people's wealth."

Equestria - Crawling Criminals

Advisor Tali: "Honorable Dash, our great nation is troubled by thugs, especially below the clouds. Most of them are Friendless outsiders, you see. Maybe, perhaps, we ought to get a national guard on pegasusback. We could give them pointed sticks and nets to catch the crooks, and fly them to place far away from our lands."

Advisor Feyte: "And what about misunderstandings? Some people might be at the wrong place at the wrong time. Suspects ought to be brought before the great Dash. Wouldn't it be great if you could personally decide whether to keep them in our fine nation, or whether to throw them out?"

Advisor Snaeri: "My friend Malca says the other advisors are fussing too much. Looking for trouble they are. We just do not understand those crimi- those poor wretches. Let's encourage them to meet a happy mind talker. Work out the problems they might have. It isn't their fault that they do not have Friends, perhaps we can provide these for them."

Unaddressed Issues from Year 1:

Austria - Poachers

Minister Florian: "For some time now poachers have been a problem to land owners. Recently this has escalated through the death of some poachers. Relatives are asking for punishment of the murderers. And for compensation, now that they lack an important source of income. They argue that hunting should be the right of any Austrian, not the privilege of a wealthy few."

Minister Konstantin: "Yes I have sent some of my hunters after that vermin. Yes, they're probably rotting away in some ditch. Call it an occupational hazard. What was I supposed to do? They were stealing my property. Anyway, I don't feel like going through the hassle of hiring new hunters. They should get a medal if anything for enforcing the law. Can't you allow people to protect their own property? I'll bet that that lousy folk'll think twice before going after my game again."

Minister Gregorius: "I understand that minister Konstantin and his friends want to protect their property. I would probably have done the same thing. I do think that his proposal will harm the image of the traditional sport. Hunting should be for all Austrians. Something to be proud of. We could buy pieces of land from wealthy owners, and create public hunting grounds. Perhaps we can even hold hunting contests." 

Khemri - Sweetmeats

Anonymous advisor: "My lady, I have heard rumors regarding the house Aram Enit. They say elf flesh is being served there on many occasions. Perhaps even daily. I think it is wise to regulate the consumption of elvish meat. If we continue like this, there will be no more wild elves left in these parts. Could you not put a tax on elvish meat? That'll reduce the consumption, and prevent extinction. And the extra money can be spent to check suspected law-breakers."

Advisor Tanatei: "There's nothing more tender and sweet than Elf flesh, I'm sure my anonymous colleague has not tasted it for himself. To limit the consumption would be a crime against our culture. Anyway, taxes will only increase the illegal hunting and trading. That's not what you want. There is a solution to our problem. Allow for the breeding of elves in farms, and you'd have plenty to go around."

Advisor Mawet: "I want to point you to our frail relation and close proximity with Lienzo. To prevent a conflict we should prohibit the consumption of elvish meat. Show our neighbours that we are not so different. That we do care."

Sunday, 10 August 2014


Below are the first issues for each nation. You respond to the issue of your own nation by either siding with one of your advisors, or by writing a different solution to the current problem. After responding to the issue you should also allocate the 18 unallocated points, as you can see on the 'stats' page.

Kingdom of Rok - Fresh Fruit

Advisor Bork: "I don't want to sleep with worn women any longer. I want the exclusive right to a fresh woman. I think every man should have the right to a personal woman, for his use only, and the government should assign these women to the men."

Advisor Rokan: "I agree with Bork. And so do many others. But should you get such rare fruits for free? I think not. A father should be able to sell his daughters to the highest bidder."

Advisor Ter: "I don't agree. If I see a woman that I want, I must be able to get her. If that means I have to fight with her current owner, then that is what I will do. Freshness is important, but variety is even more important."

Slevadovia - Thieves

Advisor August: "Thievery is a common problem in Slevadovia. I propose you create a national guard that protect merchants from these pests. Catch them in the act and cut off their slippery hands."

Advisor Stojan: "Don't you know what that will cost? That gold has to come from somewhere. I say let the merchants hire their own guards. And if they do not have enough gold, they should not be afraid of thieves in the first place."

Advisor Zenja: " I agree with advisor Stojan, though we cannot allow personal guards to do whatever they please. The criminals should be tried before the council of judges. And after that thrown in a dungeon. We don't want messy punishments in front of our shops and stalls. That would scare off potential customers."

Lienzo Republic - Cursed Blood

Minister Olguin: "We need to do something about the current health problems in our beautiful Estrella. The patient count has never been so high. Our chirurgeons cannot handle it. We need more people and more equipment if we want to stop this."

Minister Hierro: "No, no, no. Not more money into that bottomless pit. The true problem lies in malnutrition. Like my father used to say: there's nothing better for your health than a crimson steak and a goblet of bloodwine. Too many vampires eat Elvish food nowadays, it's unnatural. Flowers do not belong on the kitchen table. We should prohibit the sale of those unhealthy green foods. I admit that choice is important, but sometimes people do not know what they need, and you have to decide for them. Just to protect them from harm."

Minister Muthidh: "Can you not see that this is a punishment from Lady Natura? Saudhs are kept in prisons as slaves. Cattle farmers are undermining one of the foundations of Lienzo: freedom. The answer is simple: set the saudhs free!"

Austria - Poachers

Minister Florian: "For some time now poachers have been a problem to land owners. Recently this has escalated through the death of some poachers. Relatives are asking for punishment of the murderers. And for compensation, now that they lack an important source of income. They argue that hunting should be the right of any Austrian, not the privilege of a wealthy few."

Minister Konstantin: "Yes I have sent some of my hunters after that vermin. Yes, they're probably rotting away in some ditch. Call it an occupational hazard. What was I supposed to do? They were stealing my property. Anyway, I don't feel like going through the hassle of hiring new hunters. They should get a medal if anything for enforcing the law. Can't you allow people to protect their own property? I'll bet that that lousy folk'll think twice before going after my game again."

Minister Gregorius: "I understand that minister Konstantin and his friends want to protect their property. I would probably have done the same thing. I do think that his proposal will harm the image of the traditional sport. Hunting should be for all Austrians. Something to be proud of. We could buy pieces of land from wealthy owners, and create public hunting grounds. Perhaps we can even hold hunting contests."

Khemri - Sweetmeats

Anonymous advisor: "My lady, I have heard rumors regarding the house Aram Enit. They say elf flesh is being served there on many occasions. Perhaps even daily. I think it is wise to regulate the consumption of elvish meat. If we continue like this, there will be no more wild elves left in these parts. Could you not put a tax on elvish meat? That'll reduce the consumption, and prevent extinction. And the extra money can be spent to check suspected law-breakers."

Advisor Tanatei: "There's nothing more tender and sweet than Elf flesh, I'm sure my anonymous colleague has not tasted it for himself. To limit the consumption would be a crime against our culture. Anyway, taxes will only increase the illegal hunting and trading. That's not what you want. There is a solution to our problem. Allow for the breeding of elves in farms, and you'd have plenty to go around."

Advisor Mawet: "I want to point you to our frail relation and close proximity with Lienzo. To prevent a conflict we should prohibit the consumption of elvish meat. Show our neighbours that we are not so different. That we do care."

Zalfir - Food Shortage

Advisor Maezdat: "Our great nation runs short on food. There are just not enough farmers, and the farmers that we do have are not very efficient. We need an annual sortition to select the farmers for our nation. We must ensure that everybody has an equal chance of becoming a farmer. Ehm... except the government officials, of course. They should be exempted from the sortition. Anyway, to assign people farming duty is one thing, but to ensure that they actually farm is another. I propose we create food distribution centres where farmers regularly drop off their harvest. They get paid, and the food is sold to whoever wants it. If the farmers do not meet the food production quota, they will be fined."

Advisor Thepoath: "I think this is a gross violation of elven rights. However, we do need more food. Perhaps the government can subsidize agriculture. Make the choice to become a farmer an attractive one."

Advisor Jawahir: "This is a temporary problem that will be resolved on its own. Only those that lack creativity or wits suffer from shortages. We should not help them. Either they prove themselves worthy, and survive. Or they fail to meet the high standards of our great race, and perish. Our divine blood must be purified, perfected. Not diluted with that mud that runs through the veins of those dimwitted lesser elves."

Equestria - The Golden Bond

Advisor Feyte: "A number of underdwarves are requesting to be officially separated from their pegasian counterparts. They see activities regarding the dwarf-pegasus relationship as an obligation and a waste of time. They want to be absolved from the responsibility that's part of the Friendship. I think that, in the light of personal freedom, we must officially allow such separations."

Advisor Truudha: "What a preposterous proposition! Once the bond is made, the bond CANNOT be unmade. The dwarf takes care of the pegasus, and the pegasus takes care of the dwarf. It's their holy duty. I think the problem lies in the lack of time underdwarves spend with their pegasi. I propose we create (military) bonding camps. Every dwarf-pegasus couple has to train at least 1 hour each day in these camps, or receive a fine. If there's reason to believe that the unwillingness to participate originates from one of the partners only, that partner will receive double punishment, and the other will be exempted."

Advisor Tali: "The dwarf-pegasus bond is an integral part of our way of life. If anyone wants to break the bond, fine, but they will have to leave. If you don't have a bond of Friendship, you are no Equestrian, and there's no place for you here."

Thursday, 7 August 2014




We now have six nations, and as far as I'm concerned, we are ready to begin. I plan on writing the first issues next Sunday (between 8 h and 20 h GMT+1), so that will leave you from Monday to the following Saturday to respond.