Sunday, 10 August 2014


Below are the first issues for each nation. You respond to the issue of your own nation by either siding with one of your advisors, or by writing a different solution to the current problem. After responding to the issue you should also allocate the 18 unallocated points, as you can see on the 'stats' page.

Kingdom of Rok - Fresh Fruit

Advisor Bork: "I don't want to sleep with worn women any longer. I want the exclusive right to a fresh woman. I think every man should have the right to a personal woman, for his use only, and the government should assign these women to the men."

Advisor Rokan: "I agree with Bork. And so do many others. But should you get such rare fruits for free? I think not. A father should be able to sell his daughters to the highest bidder."

Advisor Ter: "I don't agree. If I see a woman that I want, I must be able to get her. If that means I have to fight with her current owner, then that is what I will do. Freshness is important, but variety is even more important."

Slevadovia - Thieves

Advisor August: "Thievery is a common problem in Slevadovia. I propose you create a national guard that protect merchants from these pests. Catch them in the act and cut off their slippery hands."

Advisor Stojan: "Don't you know what that will cost? That gold has to come from somewhere. I say let the merchants hire their own guards. And if they do not have enough gold, they should not be afraid of thieves in the first place."

Advisor Zenja: " I agree with advisor Stojan, though we cannot allow personal guards to do whatever they please. The criminals should be tried before the council of judges. And after that thrown in a dungeon. We don't want messy punishments in front of our shops and stalls. That would scare off potential customers."

Lienzo Republic - Cursed Blood

Minister Olguin: "We need to do something about the current health problems in our beautiful Estrella. The patient count has never been so high. Our chirurgeons cannot handle it. We need more people and more equipment if we want to stop this."

Minister Hierro: "No, no, no. Not more money into that bottomless pit. The true problem lies in malnutrition. Like my father used to say: there's nothing better for your health than a crimson steak and a goblet of bloodwine. Too many vampires eat Elvish food nowadays, it's unnatural. Flowers do not belong on the kitchen table. We should prohibit the sale of those unhealthy green foods. I admit that choice is important, but sometimes people do not know what they need, and you have to decide for them. Just to protect them from harm."

Minister Muthidh: "Can you not see that this is a punishment from Lady Natura? Saudhs are kept in prisons as slaves. Cattle farmers are undermining one of the foundations of Lienzo: freedom. The answer is simple: set the saudhs free!"

Austria - Poachers

Minister Florian: "For some time now poachers have been a problem to land owners. Recently this has escalated through the death of some poachers. Relatives are asking for punishment of the murderers. And for compensation, now that they lack an important source of income. They argue that hunting should be the right of any Austrian, not the privilege of a wealthy few."

Minister Konstantin: "Yes I have sent some of my hunters after that vermin. Yes, they're probably rotting away in some ditch. Call it an occupational hazard. What was I supposed to do? They were stealing my property. Anyway, I don't feel like going through the hassle of hiring new hunters. They should get a medal if anything for enforcing the law. Can't you allow people to protect their own property? I'll bet that that lousy folk'll think twice before going after my game again."

Minister Gregorius: "I understand that minister Konstantin and his friends want to protect their property. I would probably have done the same thing. I do think that his proposal will harm the image of the traditional sport. Hunting should be for all Austrians. Something to be proud of. We could buy pieces of land from wealthy owners, and create public hunting grounds. Perhaps we can even hold hunting contests."

Khemri - Sweetmeats

Anonymous advisor: "My lady, I have heard rumors regarding the house Aram Enit. They say elf flesh is being served there on many occasions. Perhaps even daily. I think it is wise to regulate the consumption of elvish meat. If we continue like this, there will be no more wild elves left in these parts. Could you not put a tax on elvish meat? That'll reduce the consumption, and prevent extinction. And the extra money can be spent to check suspected law-breakers."

Advisor Tanatei: "There's nothing more tender and sweet than Elf flesh, I'm sure my anonymous colleague has not tasted it for himself. To limit the consumption would be a crime against our culture. Anyway, taxes will only increase the illegal hunting and trading. That's not what you want. There is a solution to our problem. Allow for the breeding of elves in farms, and you'd have plenty to go around."

Advisor Mawet: "I want to point you to our frail relation and close proximity with Lienzo. To prevent a conflict we should prohibit the consumption of elvish meat. Show our neighbours that we are not so different. That we do care."

Zalfir - Food Shortage

Advisor Maezdat: "Our great nation runs short on food. There are just not enough farmers, and the farmers that we do have are not very efficient. We need an annual sortition to select the farmers for our nation. We must ensure that everybody has an equal chance of becoming a farmer. Ehm... except the government officials, of course. They should be exempted from the sortition. Anyway, to assign people farming duty is one thing, but to ensure that they actually farm is another. I propose we create food distribution centres where farmers regularly drop off their harvest. They get paid, and the food is sold to whoever wants it. If the farmers do not meet the food production quota, they will be fined."

Advisor Thepoath: "I think this is a gross violation of elven rights. However, we do need more food. Perhaps the government can subsidize agriculture. Make the choice to become a farmer an attractive one."

Advisor Jawahir: "This is a temporary problem that will be resolved on its own. Only those that lack creativity or wits suffer from shortages. We should not help them. Either they prove themselves worthy, and survive. Or they fail to meet the high standards of our great race, and perish. Our divine blood must be purified, perfected. Not diluted with that mud that runs through the veins of those dimwitted lesser elves."

Equestria - The Golden Bond

Advisor Feyte: "A number of underdwarves are requesting to be officially separated from their pegasian counterparts. They see activities regarding the dwarf-pegasus relationship as an obligation and a waste of time. They want to be absolved from the responsibility that's part of the Friendship. I think that, in the light of personal freedom, we must officially allow such separations."

Advisor Truudha: "What a preposterous proposition! Once the bond is made, the bond CANNOT be unmade. The dwarf takes care of the pegasus, and the pegasus takes care of the dwarf. It's their holy duty. I think the problem lies in the lack of time underdwarves spend with their pegasi. I propose we create (military) bonding camps. Every dwarf-pegasus couple has to train at least 1 hour each day in these camps, or receive a fine. If there's reason to believe that the unwillingness to participate originates from one of the partners only, that partner will receive double punishment, and the other will be exempted."

Advisor Tali: "The dwarf-pegasus bond is an integral part of our way of life. If anyone wants to break the bond, fine, but they will have to leave. If you don't have a bond of Friendship, you are no Equestrian, and there's no place for you here."


  1. Zalfir:
    The Eternal Twins agree with advisor Thepoath that agriculture should be stimulated by making it an attractive choice. Therefore we will make it a game by holding regular contests to see who can grow the most or the most interesting crops. Prizes will consist of the right to play a game against us, a story from the National Library or the right to enter one of the winner's own stories into the National Library. Should the winner have no need for any of these things they may also ask a small favor from us, such as a collection of metal coins to trade with the other races.
    Points: 10 to Economy, 4 to Military and 4 to Culture.

    1. It's really buried in Lienzo's nations information, but it has a large focus in the agricultural areas. It might be beneficial to have an unofficial food for something else trade going on.

      It'd make another nice alternate issue idea that might be able to boost our treasure stats! :). Though I'm not sure that's allowed by the rules~.

    2. Zalfir would be honored to have Lienzo as a trading partner, however please give us some time to adjust our economy from an isolationist setup to an exporting setup. We could of course already sample each other's wares. Do you have any good stories lying around? (Translated to real life: Are there any fantasy authors you could recommend me?).

    3. It seems like the issue action has passed one way or another.

      Non-emergency, standard trades of many kinds were a secondary offer, but if exporting and important will soon become possible they're on the table now. The diplomat has no stories to tell. Maybe he'll be better prepared next time. (Translated to real life: Not really. I don't read many books. I'd suggest checking out the companies "Studio Trigger" & "Gainax.")

      (Maybe our leaders can meet one day!)

  2. Equestria:
    First of all, the court would like to thank all advisors for their opinions. Whereas advisor Feyte makes a fair point concerning personal freedom, I believe he is wholeheartedly wrong. We are not just equines and dwarves sharing a home. Even those living in the underbelly of our glorious mountain are still Equestrians, and as such, are expected to uphold and honour the Golden Bond. "Dwarf was never meant to be without Equus. Equus was never meant to be without Dwarf" Epiphany of Suze 12:5. So say the scriptures.
    As advisor Tali points out, "If you don't have a bond of Friendship, you are no Equestrian". As such, any dwarf or pegasus who cannot find bliss in Friendship, is banished not only from Cloudsdale, but all of Equestria!

    As for advisor Truudha, she and her Friend Legas have been reallocated to the Nethercaves, where they will be digging gravel and ores for the coming three winters. Their words of warcamps are not welcomed in this court.
    The Dash has spoken.

    Points: 10 to Economy, 8 to Culture.

  3. Slevadovia:

    The government of Slevadovia agrees with the second advisor. If merchants are afraid of thieves, they can damn well stop them themselves, or rather, hire someone more qualified to do it for them. However the government will, of course, keep things under their supervision to make sure no damn Outsiders from Rok or some over vicious society don't go too far. (Just as a side note, the Slevadovians have had a history of abundance scarce of too much conflict, which has rendered them fairly peaceful (yet defensive) in nature. We're more worried about Outsiders from more savage cultures.)

    Points: 10 to economy, 8 to warfare.

    1. (In elaboration to the side note): We also fear we will be targeted by foreign civilizations as we have poor technology as far as warfare goes in comparison to other civilizations (a huge downside of what most would consider a blessing, given the cultures of the outside world) and less citizens willing to become warriors.

      Also, we have proposed trade routes with the following nations:

      Lienzo Republic,
      Zalfir, and

      We hope to form strong alliances with you.

    2. Sorry I'm a bit late! I didn't know the game had started until Lejon sent me a message. Liezno is interested in trading whenever possible. (Which means turn two)

  4. The spectators in the mead hall (where the meeting was held) began to realize that there simply were not enough fresh women to go around.

    Most women in Rok have gone spoiled, due to the multiple rapings they have faced, some even numbering in the hundreds. And also due to the lack of hygiene, seeing how they had no where to wash or even live for that matter. Resorting to sleeping outside in the streets.

    The men began to get agitated, angry, violent. The men began screaming and fighting with each other. Argueing over which women they should have exclusive rights to.

    I watched the commotion grow, and knew something had to be done.

    I stood up from my throne, looked over my feuding people, and roared. The sound reverberated throughout the mead hall, even seeming to shake the very walls.

    The commotion halted at that very moment, as I was met with the gaze of my people.

    "I will NOT allow things such as WOMEN, break apart my people, my kingdom.
    But I also see the importance of FRESH women. For it means more copulation, and as such, more warriors.

    I know of a solution. My scouts tell me of a small village not to far from here built by settlers from slevadovia. And as we all know, slevadovian women are of utmost freshness.

    We, the warriors of Rok, DESERVE, FRESH WOMEN!"

    (The crowd makes sounds of agreement)

    "WE! Will raid their village, KILL there men, and TAKE THERE WOMEN! AS OURS!"

    (The crowd begins to roar with excitement, anticipated at the thought of the gruesome killing soon to come, and ramming fresh slevadovian women)

    18 points warfare

    1. Slev feels both terrified for the oncoming invasion and slightly complimented that you said our women "are of utmost freshness".

  5. Your current spend limit is 10, therefore you can give only up to 10 points to warfare.

  6. Lienzo, Cande Guiomar:

    “Ah, so much talk about food.”

    “Lienzo has a great deal of people with different needs and tastes. I should not need to remind Minster Hierro a fifth of our population subsists on these green plants and that agriculture is our main contributor in exports. I will not choose what our people are allowed to eat. I will not force Lienzo's population to starve. And, I will not let prohibitions on food damage our trade. Other measures will be taken.

    “Ah, so much talk about food.”

    “I'm hungry; let's have a festival. If malnutrition is a problem than Lienzo's veritable, world famous cuisine will feed the people. Make arrangements for a cultural festival. We'll host a cooking competition like the people have never seen. Make business aware that prizes will be set for the winners. Arrange for more prizes for plates that use only traditional vampire foods. And, I want everyone to hear along with every festival talk that the reason for these competitions is that: blood, meat, and marrow are healthier for vampires than other foods. Use the festival's momentum to inform the people. If the potential business isn't enough to draw in the businesses make sure that it's known that the top one-hundred recipes will be published in a unofficial Liezno national cookbook. Some prestige should liven up the competition. Oh, and do make sure to invite our neighbors.”

    “That's a patch at best. Minister Olguin, I will not blindly throw money at a symptom and hope to cure the core of the problem. I want agencies established or enlarged to look into these sorts of problems. Agencies that look into the safety and efficacy of food. Agencies for health research. Logistics to make it run smoothly and quickly. These problems have gone on long enough and will prove far too expensive long term. We'll look for the roots of these problems and stop them from blooming farther into the general populace. I think prevention is going to be key here as we get bigger, or else the problem will just compound.”

    “Minister Muthidh. I can see that that you're here like the rest of us to discuss the well-being of Lienzo. The subtleties of which have eluded some of us. We're discussing health issues, not law. Can one glance at a flower, at it's beauties and perfections, and want to punish it? Lady Natura, Lienzo, and myself do not wish to punish the Saudhs nor Liezno. Our laws are just. If anyone has mistakenly been unjustly imprisoned, that is why we have the appeals system. If you believe the system has been improperly executed concerning some peoples I beseech you to personally look into the issue. Bring me you're findings, and two-hundred people you believe that have been improperly imprisoned or mistreated. One-hundred Saudh's and one-hundred others. I will personal look into their cases and if I find them to be innocence I will grant you the power to pardon those particular individuals. I agree, innocent Saudh's should not be punished.“

    Points: 10 to economy, 8 to warfare.

    1. "Furthermore, Minister Olguin let's make sure that whatever information we uncover gets to the people. I want our agencies findings inserted into the educational system."

      (I thought Saudhs were a religious people. That's what I get for googling and assuming. I guess that makes my reply to Muthidh hilarious xD. It is Sunday now so I guess the mistake is uncorrectable. A Saudh is some type of beast? Can I get some more details on saudhs? xD still funny.)

    2. Minister Muthidh: "If you wish, I will bring you a detailed report regarding our mistreated citizens. However, I can tell you now that the saudhs are being imprisoned for one reason and one reason only: so that the butchers of Lienzo can slaughter them at will. It's barbaric!"

      (Saudhs are similar to Bantha, see the tab 'Jotnjordh')

    3. (Ah, so they are just animals. I wanted to make sure that they weren't some type of intelligent "beast".)
