Economic points (EP) are used to build cities, to make trade agreements, and to determine the initiative.
- Costs 10 EP
- You must build it next to another city of yours (one you did not build this turn).
- The more cities you have, the more population points you will get each turn (population growth). On average +1 city increases population growth by 10.
- Costs 5 EP (for both nations)
- If you propose such an agreement with another nation, and the other nation agrees, you both have a trade agreement.
- A trade agreement increases the population growth, and also increases the cultural power.
- The magnitude of these benefits are doubled for the nation that has the higher amount of economic points, at the start of the turn. When this value is the same, both get a single reward.
- Either of the two nations can break the agreement at any time, removing the benefits for both.
- When you attack the trading partner with either an army or priest, the trade agreement is broken.
- A trade agreement implies buying resources you do not have, and selling resources you have in excess. For example your nation produces a lot of salt, and the other nation produces a lot of marble. With the agreement both nations have access to both resources. In this game the actual resources aren't specified, to keep things simple
While this game uses turns, all players play simultaneously. This can give problems, for example when two nations attack each other. Therefore some initiative value is needed, to determine who's actions happen first. This value is equal to the number of economy points at the start of the turn. The person with the highest economy point value gets to act first, then the one with the second highest value, et cetera. If two players have the same value I'll throw a die to determine who acts first.
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