Junior Advisor Franka: "Sir, the woman alchemist has gone into
hiding. I've heard rumours that some Zalfirians are trying to kill
her, and apparently she heard the rumours too. Because of this
problem, the body-altering work cannot continue. The alchemist is the
only one who knows the details of the research. We should station
more guards in the capital, and especially the government buildings.
And we should also check all of the houses in the capital for
anything suspicious. And set up a curfew, to limit activity at night.
We must protect our people from those grass eating devils."
Advisor Hussime: "That boy is suffering from paranoia. I'm sure
she's just lost her time in one of Huesimakor's fine shops. Even in
these times we must uphold the advantage of being Slavadovian: to
enjoy great freedom. Do you know how much income will be lost if
businesses cannot continue their work at night, and if our capital's logistics is
slowed down by extra regulations?"
Advisor Augustus: "That ugly woman is a traitor. She must have
returned to Zalfir, spilling all your secrets and plans. Or perhaps she is
still here, thwarting your schemes. The witch. Why have you ever
trusted her? Perhaps you should put a bounty on her head. Let the
street scum take care of her."
Advisor Aleras: "The Cyprium coils in one of my labs
have started to behave strangely. Preliminary research shows that the
effect is not limited to that lab, but that it's something bigger. I
expect that the anomaly is caused by some celestial body. This could be an
event that affects the entirety of Jotnjordh. All I ask you is to
provide some resources, so that we can research this properly."
Junior Alchemyst Frulir: "You know, the way the coils currently
behave make them awfully powerful. And our enemies do not have proper
technology to counter raw amber-power. Let's put cyprium coils on the
back of the spiders, instead of the prisms. It'll be much more
effective. Let's disintegrate those slevvies. Rah! Zap! Zap! BOOM! ..... Haha. Fun stuff."
Advisor Avaron: "I say disassemble those coils. No coils, no
anomaly. Let's get back to the real matters at hand. I say put some more pressure on our laborers. We need enough resources if we want to win this war."
Advisor Glimnir: "Hail Tobion. Hail Dash. Your Ladyship was
informed about some strange tunnels through our Fyridium mines, quite
a while ago. We now have good reason to believe that those tunnels
were made by worms, who also happened to have become scarce of late.
Not that we minded of course. Blast them. Pain in the arse they were.
Anyway, we know that those tunnels move from a point in the south, to
multiple points in the north. So we presume that either the worms
moved from the central point outward, or gathered at the central
point. Personally I think this is of interest. If you provide some
bags o' gold for the expenses of the herpetologists, we will solve
this conundrum for you. And we will also make you some nice gloves."
Advisor Gudrun: "Who cares about the ABSENCE of bloodthirsty
reptiles, when our beautiful nation is crumbling? We have lost most
of our cities. Lovecrafts are behind bars. Show your people that you
haven't surrendered us all to that awful Merisik. Arrest all people
talking Slevadovian in the capital, or in Love. Use king Merisik as a
bad example in our schools. Build some more statues dedicated to
the holy Friendship. Do whatever it takes to make people feel good
about being Equestrian."
Advisor Feyte: "Why do people care for a nation so much? Values
must be defended, and values transcend nations. One value we treasure
is love. Let us show that. Love the Slevadovians like you would the
Anonymous advisor 1: "A small band of Khemrians in the south has
captured a few of those flying horses. We could use these to
supplement our army. Perhaps we can breed them to be more obedient.
Just give me some claws and your permission to go ahead with the
Anonymous advisor 2: "Do you know how large the Equestrian
Kingdom is? Do you know what problems we will get ourselves into if
we treat their citizens in such a way? We should capture that band of
fiends and punish them. Show the Equestrians we are OK. Maybe we
could even trade with them."
Anonymous advisor 3: "Let those fiends do what they want. But no
breeding program. To do so would be unwise in these times. But I
would not support the punishment of our fiends because some stupid
ponies got hurt."
of Rok
Advisor Zirt: "I have just heard this. Two bashers named Kroddy
and Nyrk have been assaulting other men for a while. Normally I would
not bother you with this, but it is the nature of the assaults that
make it truly despicable. They are <ahem> raping <ahem>
other men. Blerghh, can someone give me some mead to wash my mouth?
Anyway, these abominations must be destroyed. Order the attacks, I
beg you. Men rape women, it shouldn't be any different."
Advisor Bork: "Those men are strong. The have proven themselves.
I thought that was what Rok is all about?"
Advisor Firenz: "This is only the tip of the iceberg. All kinds
of assaults and other crimes happen daily. We must create laws that
protect the individual, and strong guards that enforce them."
Lienzo Republic
Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the
second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How
great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much
choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread.
Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I
propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor
people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have
fine steak, cheese and wine every day."
Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health
recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our
coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's
only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford
Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these
foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them,
that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we
increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force
them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the
extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu
explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."
Actions: (When someone attacks a city and someone adds a monument to it in the same turn, it counts as them attacking a monumental city despite the fact it was without a monument in the turn they attacked it in, right?)
ReplyDeletePoints: 3228 to culture, 3099 to economy.
(depends on turn order, the one with the most economy points goes first.)
Delete(I guess we're good then. What if the person coming second was the one monumentalizing the cities? Would the actions simply be dismissed and their cultural points unspent?)
Delete(Would it be possible to tell me what the results are of these assaults? Since that largely determines in a lot of cases what my actions would be. If you say that those guesses are part of the game, I will understand. But one can always ask.)
Delete(Like you said: the actions will be dismissed, and so the points will remain unspent)
Delete(fair enough, it will take me a bit longer to state my actions this way, but fair is fair. I will have to use conditional modifiers though.
DeleteSomething else: I believe you missed my garrison at G16, as I stated I wanted one trained there but the fort seems absent.)
The Southern States of Slevadovia, Year 11
ReplyDeleteKing Merisik Rehorn looked notably irritated. "Those Zalfirian bastards! Ugh!" The Councilors seemed concerned. "I am resentful to say this, but the only way we're going to stop them is to require citizens to have permission to the walls of our major cities. It's feudalistic, yes, but it's our only option. We can't just let any passer-by enter our walls, Fortuna only knows what trouble they could be planning to cause, especially in a time of war for Zarathustra's sake. Hopefully Thanwe will come out of hiding once we've assured safety so biological modification can get back in business.
"Regardless of the war, we will no longer banish those who refuse to work. It's not that necessary of a law any more, as Siro can take care of them so they don't cause trouble. The government will also be offering jobs for the unemployed, as we require a much larger income than what the voluntary taxes we are getting offer, thanks to the war and whatnot. We can't leave all services up to private companies and Siro. Speaking of Siro, I would like to state that I do not oppose Siro in any way whatsoever, and infact endorse them as they provide valuable services to our nation and keep our citizens - namely those of unconventional economic beliefs - content and happy." The Councilors exchanged whispers and looks of varying expressions. "That is all. Council dismissed."
To: the Twindom of Zalfir
From the Southern States of Slevadovia
Look, we didn't want to get caught up in all of this, but you've seriously crossed the line this time. When you OSTRACIZE INNOCENT PEOPLE for being infected with a disease that isn't even lethal instead of finding a cure, call us "unholy" for being CURSED WITH VAMPIRISM (Do you have any idea how much pain that has caused us?), and, most of all, ATTACK OUR CITIES, and for what? EXPERIMENTING WITH HARMLESS TECHNOLOGY. This isn't about MORALITY, this is about POWER. The reason you call our technology "unholy" is because it is a threat to you. Then you call US the bloody ones! You simply want an excuse to invade us. Look, here's the deal - you surrender, we let you keep most of your land and no one gets hurt, or we take it all through force. It's your choice, Zalfir.
To: Khemri
From: the Southern States of Slevadovia
We don't want to have to do this, and we are sorry that you are caught up in a war that is none of your business, but if you don't stop funding Zalfir, we're going to have to stop you through force. We want you to be a prosperous nation, Khemri, but when you're helping people preform acts of terrorism against our people, we need to intervene.
This is an official announcement, endorsed by the Love Art festival committee.
ReplyDeleteTo: The Southern (and northern) States of Slevadovia, the Twindom of Zalfir & Khemri.
As everyone knows, next year will be a year in which we celebrate the arts at the Love Art festival. There have been a lot of internal changes, and things might have gotten a little confusing over the past few years, so let us clear some things up.
1. The festival will be held in the city of Berlin, which is at the time of writing part of the Slevadovian States. Do be reminded that this event will be of a neutral nature. All and any that attend will be given diplomatic immunity, and if needed, we will allow small guards to accompany attendees and participants.
2. The festival will be held in the 12th year since our calendars have started counting. Thusly, that will be next year.
3. Attending nations are requested to confirm their participation, including a short written introduction for their participating artist, group or participant of miscellaneous occupation.
4. During the year of the festival, the participant may perform their art within the walls of Berlin, and their nation is expected to write one or multiple short piece(s) of text explaining and describing the art. These messages should be sent in before the last months of the year (before fridayevening, 22:00). It would be preferred to receive these messages as early as possible, in order for artists to have the option to react to the arts of others through their work. This way, there will truly be an athmosphere of creativity, where working together and bouncing of ideas off eachother can thrive!
5. An Equestrian jury of the highest competence concerning all arts taught at Love University will decide upon who should be the winner. This decision will fall slightly before the end of the festival (fridaynight) and will be messaged to the winner in question in secret.
6. The winner will then be allowed to organize the closing ceremony (on saturday) as they see fit. If the winning nation does not provide a closing ceremony, the Love Art committee will arrange for a short speech and fireworks.
Lordships Tobion and Dash will be opening the festival, with the leader of the victorious nation closing it all off.
Be thare or be circular.
Equestria, year 11
ReplyDeleteBoth Tobion and Dash are sitting on their thrones, taking turns speaking.
"First off, Feyte, I fully agree with what yer sayin', but yer not bringin' much to the table concerning our little underground predicament."
"I was thinking the same thing. Now, Glimnir here knows what it's all about. Even since the Loch Lomond incident I have been wondering if the worms hadn't gone extinct, but this is clear evidence they aren't!"
"And don' ferget, now that we know these are wormin' tunnels we won' have to worry about them possibly bein' spy tunnels."
"That's true. And to be fair, those gloves also sound pretty sweet. We are talking hoof-gloves here right?"
"Of course she is! Don' be daft! What would a dwarf possibly want gloves for? There's nuttin better than doin' some bare handed diggin'."
"Glimnir, take what you need and set up an expedition! Let's find out what's been going on beneath our hooves!"
"Now, les' not ignore what ol' Gudrun here is saying. Is it really true that our Lovecrafts 'ave been locked up?"
"Surely, these are just rumours. I have met with the king, and although he seems a bit shifty at times, I believe he is a man of honour. Before we take any rash action, go find out how much of this is true. I want facts and numbers people!
See if some our our citizens living in the new northern Slevadovia know more about this."
"So, it seems we've got nowhere to expand anymore, now do we?"
"In that case, spend as many resources as we poss'bly can (37 on each) on developin' ev'rythin! I want nash'nal support for the forges, an extra trading tower in Cloudsdale and a cleanup squad to make all those statues of my favourite pegasus gal shine again."
"Aww shucks, you're being too kind."
"This is for the nation Dash, and you know it. Times are chan'gin and folks need somethin' to look up to."
Actions: I will build cities at all possible locations, including those currently occupied by armies, except at F6. Monuments will be (re)built at F18, G17, I16, J16, L16 and D6 through D14. My current armies will march: I7 to J6, H7 to I6, G7 to H6, K9 to L8, G8 to G7, K10 to K9, M14 to N14, L15 to M16, N15 to O15, N16 to M17, H17 to I18, F18 to E19, L14 to M15 and G16 to H17. Of my 53 remaining regular cities all will be given a garrison and the garrisons marching out will be replaced. In addition, armies will be trained at O11, O13, D6, F6 and E6.
ReplyDeleteIssue: While it is an interesting option to mount the Cyprium coils on our spider-mounts we feel it is as of yet unnecessary, but you may prepare a few in preparation for an assault on a capital. The celestial body you think of must be the approaching comet. It comes around once every 500 years and has also indicated periods of great change. It also passed by the day we took the throne and we have seen it pass many times since then. The passing of the comet should not have any direct influence, but the Cyprium coils were not around the last time so maybe we should temporarily deactivate them. It will be a few years before the comet is really here and if they are already reacting who knows what might happen. Keep a few of them active in remote locations, so that we will know what to expect the next time, but deactivate the rest. This will also free up more of our labour force to help with the war effort.
Spending: 1907 to Warfare, 1907 to Culture and 723 to Economy.
(OOC: Why must you torture Lejon (and yourself) with your God damn coordinate-based commands? Just use an image like I do, it simplifies things for everyone so much more.)
Delete(I'll be honest, I think either way works fine)
Delete(Well, now that I think about it it's likely no different for the person running the game, but it is easier for those playing the game. You have to read every freaking coordinate and find it on the map and... ugh... it just takes forever to figure out exactly what it is you are doing and where everything's taking place and whatnot. It's probably a pain writing it down, too.)
Delete(Ok you got a point. I was only thinking from the GM's perspective, but for us it is quite a hassle.)
Delete(I will meet you halfway on this: Yes it is quite a bit of work to look at the map, write down the coordinates and decide where I want to move my troops and builders. You decided to simplify that for yourself by using an image and that is fine. However I like it this way and unless Lejon personally asks me to adopt another style I will not change it. Using the coordinates makes it feel like I am playing some sort of highly evolved version of chess.)
ReplyDelete(Haha, very well then. This game kind of is like a highly evolved version of chess...)