Sunday, 7 September 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Priest Zirt: "The time has come that you all bow down before the real master of Jotnjordh: DONAR! God of the roaring thunder! God of war! If you bow down now, Donar will grant you victory. Pleasing my Lord is easy: kill and destroy as much as you can. And he will protect you from death."

Advisor Bork: "I've seen no such God. And I know for a fact that thunder and lightning originate on the mountains to the north. It's the home of the Ettin god Urzgtharh. He accepts human sacrifices from fellow human eaters, and rewards them with great power. It makes more sense to worship him."

Advisor Ter: "Our master is Gagnorok! His roar is law! Everybody that thinks otherwise should be killed and eaten!"

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Advisor Hussime: "I've heard many rumors about poor working conditions. These people dare not speak out themselves, because they are afraid of getting fired. I think we ought to set up some rules to protect our workers. Random checks and fines should enforce these rules."

Advisor Stojan: "The employers will not allow their workers to truly suffer, as this will hurt the working power of the staff. Additional restrictions will only lead to a reduced economic growth. That'll harm everybody."

Advisor August: "Indeed, it's not the poor, lazy workers that suffer here, it's the hard working gentility. Most gentlemen want to be exempted from the rule that prohibits unemployment. Wealth is a reward for hard work, but it's only useful if you have the spare time to spend it. What about giving people some sort of title when they reach a certain amount of wealth? And just allow those with the title to evade some rules that are clearly designed to keep the scum in line, not to punish the worthy?"


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."


Advisor Chrimr: "Recently some middle-class Khemrians have died after the consumption of spoiled blood. We need laws to prohibit the sale of spoiled food, and allow the wraiths to enforce them."

Advisor Tanatei: "That's good and all, but we need to fix the real problem. We just do not have enough fresh blood to go around. What we need is blood farms. We can tie the elves or nords to the spot, and slowly drain the blood from them. If we don't drain them too fast, we can use them for quite some time."

Advisor Mawet: "In this world we have to consider other people's feelings. I don't want to sound too sentimental, but we cannot ignore that other nations are not going to like this. Let blood be an expensive commodity, fine. I'd rather have unhappy peasants than no peasants at all."


Advisor Thepoath: "In our society reputation is very important. If you have a good name, your stories are worth more. Some people in our society acquire good stories from unknown people for a low price, essentially thriving without doing the hard work. Therefore we need some law that prohibits this practice: a copyright law. To enforce it, we need an agency that compares all stories from the same author, and checks for consistency. If any inconsistencies are detected, we take further steps like secretely monitoring his daily activities. Eventually perhaps punishing through temporary excommunication."

Advisor Jawahir: "I do not agree with these monitoring activities. Where's good faith gone? Can't we just trust the other people to do the right thing?"

Solorya of the broken eye: "Trust. I would like to trust everybody, but the fact is that some just cannot be trusted. Some people lie. Period.

Honorable twins, you remember that you asked me to watch the scientist and his apprentices? I have discovered that they are developing something that could be redesigned into some kind of lie-detector. We could use this technology as a standard measure to determine the authorship of stories. With your permission we could use it for other law enforcement and intelligence business too."


Advisor Snaeri: "Some of the dwarves have discovered a subterranean mushroom with very special properties. When consumed, all negative feelings are gone. You just feel great, and see flowers and rainbows everywhere. I propose we get some of our dwarves to grow these in farms, so that everybody can access these magical fungi. Think of all the happiness it can bring to our nation!"

Advisor Mentha: "I don't agree. Negative feelings have a function. They prohibit certain dangerous or unwanted behaviour. Otherwise we have Equestrians jumping in fires, push each other off mountains, all with a smile on their faces. I suggest we destroy all of these mushrooms, so that nobody can touch this mind poison."

Advior Feyte: "Let's not do anything rash just yet. Let's collect and store those we can find, and perhaps we can use them in the future. If we ever go into war we might want to give it to our soldiers, to increase their morale."


  1. As a result of the government ignoring poor working conditions, especially outside of the capital, a socialist uprising has begun in Slevadovia. The organization behind the revolution - Siro - has recently gained popularity in I22 (Triass), with the majority being a part of the organization. There is also a small presence in other cities, however it has no presence in Huesimakor, the capital.

    Actions: Build cities at L21 and M22 (EP), form army at J20. (Why is there a city at J20? Did I not say K20?)
    Points: 45 to economy, 45 to military.

    1. Maybe some of my wraiths could aid you in taking care of this Siro?

    2. No. It is no right of our to determine how these people live their lives, provided they are not hurting anyone. If you try to intervene, we will treat you as the criminals you are.

  2. Actions: Build a city at H12 (10 EC), propose a trade route to Slevadovia (5 EC).

    Issue: People are gathering stories from all over the known world and are bringing them back to Zephyras to spend. Fantastic! This way our people as a whole become richer. However if people are presenting other peoples stories as their own this would be a problem. Although a great elf once said: "Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery" presenting another's stories as one's own should not be tolerated. It is of course easily found out if a conflict of origin arises. Both storytellers should tell their story and the one with the most imperfections is the real owner.
    This may seem contradictory but the one who invents the story will keep evolving it and adapting it to its audience while someone who steals a story will simply memorise everything without changing it. This way it is easy to separate the two. As punishment for not giving credit to the original owner the thieves will be put to work as spies. This way they can put their excellent memory to good use and maybe collect a few stories of their own.
    Should this recent influx of new stories make people distrust another's tale then the option of accepting a beautifull game as payment also remains. It is very hard to copy someone's playstyle and even then small adaptions will need to be made to fit the current opponent.
    Solorya, well done on the monitoring. It seems the scientists are not producing anything of risk to the state but continue monitoring them.

    Allocation: 45 points to Economy, 45 points to Warfare and 13 points to Culture.

    1. We shall establish the trade route next year, but for now we are busy on other things.

  3. On the tournament:
    So far 3 nations have announced their wish to participate in the Tournament of the Silver Sword: Zalfir, Khemri and Equestria.
    Although the tournament is still some time away we would once again like to urge anyone else who wishes to attend to publicly state that wish and provide the entry fee of 5 Economy Points and 5 Culture Points.
    More entries will also allow a more interesting tournament structure. As it stands now the tournament would consists of 3 1VS1 duels with the champion with the most wins as the victor. Should all nations have an equal amount of victories a final free-for-all melee will decide the victor. If 4 nations attend a typical tournament structure will be adopted with a semi-final (2 1vs1 matches) and final (1 1vs1 match). Should 5 nations attend a hybrid format will be adopted, should that situations arise.

  4. First of all, Mentha: Chill down.
    These mushrooms have been brought to our attention and person before by someone we dearly trust, and we can guarantee that they are one hundred percent delightful.
    We have already issued a small growery in the city of Love for private use, but as it seems that the existence of these fun funghi is now public knowledge, we might as well expand the operation to large scale production.

    As there were already plans to build the Great Love Academy there, we might as well add an extra wing, where we will set up the world's first fungus foray, or fungetum (an arboretum for funghi). The fungetum shall be used to grow large amounts of these fantastic little friends, and our scientists can experiment their butts off without having to travel very far.

    In short, have the builders start contruction of the Great Love Academy, a great monument of Equestrian culture and education in the city of Love!
    If the builders are feeling particularly restless, allow them to set up some shacks and huts just south of Balloch. Now that Truudha and Legas have been there for a while, the locals seem to have grown quite fond of our ways. Let them set up a new settlement, called Dunbarton, to join in on the brilliant glory of our nation. Also, don't forget to set up some more statues of our fine physique. The Balloch centre statue has pleased us, and we shall see to it that all Equestrians can gaze upon our amazing looks on a daily basis.

    22 of our yearly resources will be used in the name of culture, and 56 will go towards our economy. The funghi can be sold in the upper quarters of Cloudsdale. For now, it will remain a luxury product. When we have the facilities, perhaps we can decrease the price so the lower class citizens can enjoy this intense delight as well. For now, let it not distract them from their work. Those who have earned their bits and place in society in the upper spires will be free to endulge themselves. They deserve it.

    As for Lovecraft Truudha and Legas, we want them to travel to the city of Berlin. We have heard little from the Austrians for too long now, and we wonder if anything happened to them. Has illness struck them? Civil unrest? Go and find out. Thusly, move your arses southeastwards, (N6) and make haste!

    Now, the last issue: partaking in the Tournament of the Silver Sword. We might as well see if we can figure out how these so-called arena battles work (spend 36 points to warfare). We won't be needing these skills anywhere in the field, so we will specialize our training sessions in arena fighting. Feyte, see if you can hire some foreign fighing instructors, barbrawlers if we have to. They will know how to fight without really knowing how to fight, and with some simple tricks like throwing sand and nets even the strongest steelswinger will go down, surely.

    1. (to help read through the RP: I would like to make a Monumental city out of Love (N4). Sorry for the confusement.

  5. There is only one true god, all others are weak compared to it.

    This god, is the god of lightening, and thunder. His name is Zarathustra.

    He asks not for you to worship him, to make sacrifices for him. He asks, only for you to be strong.

    If you are strong, and only if you are strong, you will be allowed into the afterlife, A place known as Thasnia.

    In this place, everyday will be filled with endless amounts of mead, feasts, and fucking. Then after you have had your fill, you will charge out into battle. To fight to the death

    Once you die, you will awake, to do it all again.

    This is the true god, all others are weak.

    Rok, is only for the strong, if you follow any other god besides the one true strong god, Thor.

    Then you too are weak, and as such will be unworthy to be called a warrior of Rok.

    How do I know this you may ask, because I was struck with the lightning of Zarathustra.

    This lightning not only showed me his power, but gave me power as we'll. It is the reason why I am so strong.

    If Zarathustra sees your strength, sees that you are worthy. Then he may grant some of his power unto you as we'll.

    10 points economy 8 points warefare

    (Sorry for the delay, moving, internet has still yet to be transfered)
