(I have placed the city you wanted on M22 on another square (L23), because at the beginning of your turn M22 was not adjacent to a city of yours.)
Hussime: "Two moons ago, on the west of the Pale-man's Cove,
priests of Urzgtharh have performed some very dark rituals. I don't
know the exact details, but it involved cannibalism. This ritual has
brought some dark power to our nation. A curse has been placed on our
people. First only a few were afflicted, but soon we realised the
curse spreads to all who touch the accursed.
the accursed becomes feverish, sickly. But after a week or so they
regain their strength, nay, gain greater strength than they had
before. The terrible drawback of this curse is the bloodthirstiness
that courses through the afflicted's veins. A previously gentle person might suddenly be found to pick fights on the street. People that couldn't hurt a fly are now capable of murder.
need to make sure that this curse cannot spread. Otherwise our fine
Slevadovian people will be turned into Rok-like savages. We could set
up some sanatoriums were ill people can suffer their illness in
isolation. Whatever the affliction."
Augustus: "This evil must not only be isolated - it must be
destroyed. Annihilated. If we truly want to get rid of this infernal
darkness we must use the bright cleansing power of the naked flame.
And burn them alive, because this curse only befalls those who are
evil-inclined. I can't imagine that truly good people can become bloodthirsty. It must be something already present, slumbering
perhaps, but already present and condemnable. Let the wicked burn!"
Julio: "Is this a curse, or a blessing? You can curb
bloodthirstiness with laws, but you cannot increase our people's
strength so easily. We are to become a great warrior nation. It would
only be natural to accept this gift of strength. Perhaps we could
even thank the powers that have brought us this gift, for they might
grant us some more?"
Jawahir: "What do we value most? Imaginative stories, stunning
architecture, exciting gameplay; all products of the mind. Some minds
are not capable of producing anything valuable, though they serve to
control the bodies that do valuable work. Food production, logistics, and so on. Still other
minds are not capable of doing either of these things. These people
are functionless. Without function they cannot repay the gifts they
receive from society. They are a burden to all of us, they are
parasites. Luckily we can spot the unwanted conditions - the retardation -
even as the child is in the womb. With a special tea we can abort the
pregnancy. Should the baby emerge alive even after treatment, because
it was fairly mature already, we could choose to give it a large dose
of Xilior juice to end its life fairly painlessly. Without this
burden, our nation can reach even greater heights."
Nabendu: "All life is valuable to us, no matter how it appears.
Some people are really good at doing things themselves, and others
require assistance. It's just the way it is. Life should be more
important to us than *products*. It is the one thing that
distinguishes us - elves - from the other more lowly races. To regard life
as a fantastic, divine phenomenon. It should not be divided into
parts by the rational mind. Life is not about usefulness. Not about
function. It's about curiosity, and love."
Aleras: "Life is not *that* important. We also kill certain
plants for food, do we not? Think about seeds, they can be regarded
as vegetable babies. What's important is minds. Our minds are
everything. We must serve the minds of our fellow-elves. When an elf
has literally lost her mind, perhaps through some construction
accident, that life has lost its value. But when certain
characteristics of the mind are altered, it does not become so clear.
We could investigate how useful each measurable characteristic is,
and translate this into a certain usefulness value for the person.
And as characteristics are passed on to the progeny, this means that
certain parents should not get children. Well, they might adopt
children, or help with raising other people's children, but they
shouldn't get babies of their own flesh and blood. We could enforce
this in two different ways. We could either punish those that get
children without permission, or we could prevent it by a harmless
sterilization procedure. The most important, of course, will be to
inform the people about how useful this is for society."
Kvikke: "Certain Equestrians are becoming rather *liberal* with
regards to their mating activities. We have tolerated
more-than-amical behaviour between the parts of an equestrian pair -
all for better bonding, right? But now we have dwarves and pegasi
make love with cousins, or even brothers or sisters. This cannot be
allowed, it is unnatural. It's a disruption of the divine order. A
broken horseshoe, if you will."
Snaeri: "What are you complaining about? Our nation is great
that it allows such freedom of love. If all participants consent, how
can there be a problem? Who cares about social position, age, race,
and so on? The only truly important thing is LOVE, and we should not
restrict it."
Feyte: "I agree, love is really important. But we must also be
rational about it. In some cases this behaviour might lead to the
birth of inbreds. And it could also increase the spread of certain
illnesses. To deal with these potential consequences, we should
create sanatoriums with properly trained herbalists. We are lacking
good medical facilities anyway."
Kingdom of Rok
Priest Zirt: "The
time has come that you all bow down before the real master of
Jotnjordh: DONAR! God of the roaring thunder! God of war! If you bow
down now, Donar will grant you victory. Pleasing my Lord is easy:
kill and destroy as much as you can. And he will protect you from
Advisor Bork: "I've
seen no such God. And I know for a fact that thunder and lightning
originate on the mountains to the north. It's the home of the Ettin
god Urzgtharh. He accepts human sacrifices from fellow human eaters,
and rewards them with great power. It makes more sense to worship
Advisor Ter: "Our
master is Gagnorok! His roar is law! Everybody that thinks otherwise
should be killed and eaten!"
Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age
really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the
potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in
food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things
are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump
some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford
great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese
and wine every day."
Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I
suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit.
Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people
buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."
Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came
here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go
against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the
general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave,
but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be
spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that
every vampire can get a proper meal every day."
Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves.
People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside
without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let
soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll
keep them in check."
Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna
might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my
colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.
Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime
against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are
the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the
appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well
that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a
wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands
pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the
appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue,
or to end their unlucky lives."
Chrimr: "Recently some middle-class Khemrians have died after
the consumption of spoiled blood. We need laws to prohibit the sale
of spoiled food, and allow the wraiths to enforce them."
Tanatei: "That's good and all, but we need to fix the real
problem. We just do not have enough fresh blood to go around. What
we need is blood farms. We can tie the elves or nords to the spot,
and slowly drain the blood from them. If we don't drain them too
fast, we can use them for quite some time."
Advisor Mawet: "In this world we have to consider other people's
feelings. I don't want to sound too sentimental, but we cannot ignore
that other nations are not going to like this. Let blood be an
expensive commodity, fine. I'd rather have unhappy peasants than no
peasants at all."
"Curse?" hisses Merisik, looking rather... different than normal. "Ha! This is no curse, I've never felt more alive in my life!" He grabs Hussime, biting him on the neck, then throwing him against the fall. He sat there feeling light-headed and dizzy, before falling unconscious. "This is no curse, my people! This is but a tool - nay - a WEAPON to prove the glory and strength of our nation, our land, our PEOPLE! We shall start, my people, by declaring war on the pathetic city-state of Rok!" The people infected with the curse (which are the majority in Huesimakor by now) cheer.
ReplyDelete(Meanwhile, Siro has also been gaining more influence in the lesser cities and even a small following in Huesimakor.)
Actions: Build cities in M22, M20, L19 and J19, accept trade route from Zalfir, fortify 3 cities. (45 EP, 30 WP.)
Points: 66 to economy, 64 to culture.
Roshawn Terrell (14 September 2014 14:38):
ReplyDeleteThere is only one true god, all others are weak compared to it.
This god, is the god of lightening, and thunder. His name is Zarathustra.
He asks not for you to worship him, to make sacrifices for him. He asks, only for you to be strong.
If you are strong, and only if you are strong, you will be allowed into the afterlife, A place known as Thasnia.
In this place, everyday will be filled with endless amounts of mead, feasts, and fucking. Then after you have had your fill, you will charge out into battle. To fight to the death
Once you die, you will awake, to do it all again.
This is the true god, all others are weak.
Rok, is only for the strong, if you follow any other god besides the one true strong god, Thor.
Then you too are weak, and as such will be unworthy to be called a warrior of Rok.
How do I know this you may ask, because I was struck with the lightning of Zarathustra.
This lightning not only showed me his power, but gave me power as we'll. It is the reason why I am so strong.
If Zarathustra sees your strength, sees that you are worthy. Then he may grant some of his power unto you as we'll.
10 points economy 8 points warefare
(Sorry for the delay, moving, internet has still yet to be transfered)
Fortuna's where it's at, yo.
Morals is where it's at, yo.
Actions: Build cities at (J13,H13,H11 and G11) [another may follow at H14 depending on whether Khemri accepts our trade proposal this year].
ReplyDeleteIssue: We find ourselves agreeing with Advisor Nabendu, if only for one simple reason. You may appreciate that reason yourself Jawahir:
A mind is a terrible thing to waste.
Who are we to judge a mind's worth when it has not even seen the light of the Thousand Star's eternal day? Judging a mind by a standard metric is another thing that is hard and even unfair to do, for each and every person, like a story, is special in its own way. However if we can detect certain deficiencies, especially those that may prove crippling to a person's life, We do rule that the parents have the right to know this. After that it is left up to them whether to allow that life to flourish further and enter our eternal daylight or to have it return to the Everlight.
Many may choose the last option for their child, but even more will have it anyway for a parents love is unconditional.
At this point, for the first time in many years, only Ilena speaks: "Since time stands still for us I cannot get pregnant, but should I have the choice between having no children at all or only those you deem of less worth, I know what I would choose." After this speech the female half of the Eternal Twins retreats to her quarters and a soft sobbing can be heard.
Izem reminds the rest of the advisors that it would not be a good idea to bring this topic to the forefront again before also retreating to console his sister.
This leaves the advisors with the task of deciding who will be Zalfir's representative for the Tournament of the Silver Sword.
Spending: 59 points to Economy, 59 points to Warfare and 17 points to Culture (I'm assuming the last digit is a 5 but it is very hard to distinguish from a 3).
The royal advisors have chosen the commander of the Prismatic Guard of Zephyras to represent Zalfir in next years tournament. The Twins have agreed with their decision.
DeleteWith an average height of 1 glint (meter) and 80 blinks (centimeters) Vimes Sunglow is not a very striking figure. In battle and when on duty this Guardsman dons armour of the same color as his last name but with each piece subtly reinforced with the more reddish Mintorium. After a particularly fierce battle with some bandits these small hints of a lighter red amidst the dark red of their heartsblood made for a grisly sight. That day earned him the nickname "The Golden Butcher" but this may also have been partly due to his choice of weaponry. Forsaking the traditional combination of rapier and swordbreaker the Butcher goes into battle wielding a translucent sickle and reflective greatshield.
He uses this combination by blinding or dazzling his opponent with the shield before tripping them with the sickle and transferring the momentum of the trip to his greatshield and crushing his foe. Because of his extreme skill with this technique normal adversaries have since long ago stopped being a threat to him and now they are merely cattle being led to slaughter. It is one of the reasons why he always offers his opponents one chance to surrender before battle is joined as he is an implaccable foe once engaged.
He has spent almost his entire life as part of the Prismatic Guard and has risen swiftly throught the ranks due to diligent service. His beginning were quite humble with his father being a potter and his mother working at the local library. He was always running about with some friends without showing any interest in either of their professions, preferring to reenact parts of old stories with this friends. During one of these adventures they came upon a rare sight: The Eternal Twins were duelling in an empty courtyard. Standing transfixed for several minutes at this rare display of ultimate skill they at first remained silent. But Vimes had always been an enthousiastic boy and without thinking asked if he could have a go at one of them. Or both if they felt like it. The Twins shared a single glance before swiftly pouncing on the arrogant boy, aiming to quickly teach him that challenge was the worst idea in his entire life as one should also scout a situation before a battle. However, the boy recognised the pattern as part of one of the oldest styles among the Zalfirians. He only knew of it because he had to practice it for one of his favourite stories, and although he still lost he managed to do something very few have ever been able to do: He surprised the Eternal Twins. After his defeat they swiftly left the no longer tranquil courtyard, but a few days later a messenger arrived with instructions for him to report to the headquarters of the Prismatic Guard. A bit frightened, for he did not know whether he was being punished or rewarded, Vimes immediatly answered the summons. Once there he found out he was being considered for a position as a Guardsman due to his outstanding abilities and the rest is history.
(Click on the stats image to enlarge it)
DeleteAdvisor Snaeri, we like the cut of your jib. And that butt of yours is looking pretty cute today. Come to my quarters after this meeting, and we can talk some more about your ideas on love under the pleasure of some of my private brand fun shrooms™.
ReplyDeleteAs for the rest of you, when this is over I want all of you to take a weeklong vacation in Love. See the sights. Visit the university. Enjoy the people.
But first, let's handle some business. The mines have given us tremendous amounts of resources this year, which is fantastic. Besides that, with the introduction of fun shrooms our people want more space for their own to frolic and dance. We shall issue the construction of 5 more settlements around Dunbarton and Love, (L5, L6, M6, N5 and O4). They will be called Garelochhead, Helensburgh, Alexandria, Kilpartik and Airdrie, respectively. We also need another Lovecraft (priest) to start their journey around the same place where Helensburgh will be founded (L6). Love University graduates Hammerdin and Helen will be assigned to this task, with the town being named in their honour. Also, don't forget to send our primary Lovecraft, Truudha and Legas, eastwards (to O6).
This year, our new resource expenditure will be as follows: 71 points to culture, 30 to warfare and the remaining 46 to economy. This will all be invested on our champion and merchandise team that will be visiting...
the Silver Sword tournament!
As you all know, the event is to take place in a few months, and as some of you might know as well, our gladiator programme is not working out as hoped. The Rok trainer we found turns out to be very skilled in combat, but also very incompetent as far as educating others goes. Also, pegasi throwing nets was never meant to be. Therefore, we have secretly cut the programme short when the first leaves fell this year, and we have decided to take a different approach. Our champion team will enter the arena in a checkered jesters outfit, and will have a go with the instruments of their choice.
Now, we had expected they would at least have picked 'battle-instruments', but it seems they took it rather literally.
Thusly, let me present to you: (same booming voice as was used when announcing our participation to the tournament) Barrrrryyyyyy aaaaaand Maniloooooooooww!
With their double-flute and portable piano they will play the Thousand Stars from the skies! Relying on melodic and dodge based combat techniques, they will attempt to rouse the crowds into voting thumbs up before they are ultimately defeated. As a tie-in, we will set up multiple tents to sell our Barry & Manilow merchandise around the perimeters in order to maximise sales and spread our fun loving and joyful ways among the attendees. We're not entirely sure how Zalfirian law is on fun shrooms, so those sales will be kept quiet and will only be sold by undercover salesmen teams, roaming the tournament grounds in long cloaks. If they don't know, we won't have to bother with their bureaucracy. And don't forget to bring the prize money (5 EP and 5 CP, right?).
Oh, one more thing. For our previous plans, we had our smiths and clothworkers make tons of armaments to sell at the tournament, but now we don't really have any real use for those anymore. Send a messenger to the Slevadovians, see if they would like to make a trade agreement (trade route): We offer our leftover smithyworks for small sums of gold. We can paint their flags on there if they want. I'm sure they would be interested in having a designated supplier for high quality combat equipment now that they have announced their war on the Kingdom of Rok.
What a coincidence - I was just writing a proposal for a trade route (I'd rather like to try some of those fun shrooms, hehe) when I see this. We will begin establishment of the trade route next year.
DeleteGrand! This pleases the Dash.
DeleteBut what will you offer us in return?