Sunday 28 September 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Advisor Razr: "Sir, the great warrior Groz has assembled a war party. He is rallying more men to join his cause. He wants to be independent of your rule ... and so do many others. People think you care more about yourself than about them. Foolish, of course. Still, I think it's good if you now show that you do care. Perhaps by building some homes for those without? Giving people rewards for doing jobs that benefit all? Or perhaps something else?"

Advisor Bork: "If they want to leave, they're allowed. But they must know that they cannot come back. Let's tell them that. Most of them will back down, and only the biggest troublemakers will leave. Good riddance."

Advisor Ter: "If you allow some people to leave, other people will follow. That's the nature of man. You should kill all those that dare to question your authority, your power. Kill them, and put their heads on poles for everybody to see. People will not follow the dead."


Advisor Julio: "Sir, you know the mushrooms we imported from Equestria, they are being farmed and sold without authorization. I do not know whether that was your intention or not, but I do know that we lose money this way. We could build a few farms that the government will own, and sell these mushrooms for a ridiculous price. And punish all others that grow and sell these. Our people will become addicted to the government. A leader cannot ask for more."

Advisor Stojan: "Are you a true Slevadovian, Julio? In the Slevadovia I know the government would never meddle with trade. Business freedom is the foundation on which this nation is built. All trades should be unrestricted, including various fungi."

Advisor Hussime: "We should restrict the sale of this substance. No, ban it completely. Why? It is harmful to our people. It makes them weak. The people that use this mushroom are not motivated to do work, even after using any number of threats. When the effects wear off, they are motivated to do anything that provides them with the drug. Good, but when you do give them the drug - and you have to, otherwise they will revolt - they become as weak as newborns. We cannot allow weakness. Not in this time. Not in Slevadovia."


Advisor Aleras: "I'm sorry to tell you that Zalfir is troubled by another plague. This time it's a curse, one of boils, warts and tumors. The afflicted are weakened, and become repulsive creatures. Strangely enough, the disease is not very lethal. Preliminary research showed that an elixir containing lumnetite and fiend marrow may halt the disease. Unfortunately, it does not restore the person's appearance. Surgery might be helpful in some cases, but will leave scars, and is quite dangerous. Anyway, give me the signal, and I'll set up a mass production of this elixir, so that it can reach people as soon as possible. And perhaps you could tell people to stay home. To limit touching each other."

Advisor Maezdat: "This disfiguration curse is extremely troubling. Luckily it hasn't reached the capital yet. We can stop this if we restrict all access to the capital. And let prismatic guardsmen escort all afflicted ones to a place far away, outside Zalfir territory. And we should allow only the most necessary traffic on the streets, perhaps with a permit system. We must isolate this!"

Senior Alchemist Thanwe, completely covered with green cloth: "You can call it a curse. I call it a research opportunity. I have good reason to believe we might - after lots of experimentation - harness it to change the shape of the people on your command. You might want to grow extra arms, or horns, or an eye in your back. I think it can be done. Just send all those poor buggers to me. And a score of junior alchemists."


Advisor Kvikke: "A nasty curse has come to Equestria. It gives pegasi and dwarves all kinds of bumps and warts. The ugly curse I call it. We should isolate all the uglies, and send them to some dark, desolated mine. Out of sight, out of mind. We must do it fast, or else you see these hideous creatures everywhere."

Advisor Moath: "I think the curse only targets those who had it coming. My neighbour Elisia humiliated me the other day, and now she's covered in warts. A coincidence? I don't think so. It's a punishment. From mother earth! We don't have to do anything about it. In fact, we ought not."

Advisor Gretel: "No this is a blessing from mother earth. And I know. For I have seen what it can do. Marilou and Mulch from Helensburgh both had it, and were fused together by ulcerous tumors on the belly, and on the back, respectively. They became inseparable, literally! Accept it together with your friend, and become one!"


Advisor Marakugh:"Milady, some of our wraiths have gone rogue. We don't know exactly who they are, and they might even be here in the palace. This is a security threat level critical. Any day now you might be the target of an assassination; we must act! I gather that the people are less than impressed by the result of the tournament of the silver sword. People think you are losing your grip. Perhaps you should show them what the true results were of that tournament, I'm sure you will regain the trust of your people. And threaten to send them to Equestria or Zalfir, I'm sure that will stop their  violence against your Ladyship."

Anonymous advisor: "What results are you talking about? I know only of the deaths of a few wraiths, and the humiliation of another. You must show your people your strength. Let the wraiths catch some crooks, and then you can tease those nobodies a bit before you eat their testicles and ovaries, all in public. And provide the audience with free black pudding and bloodwine while you are performing. Make it a good show, and your people will support you."

Anonymous advisor: "Who says it is your fault? Clearly others are to blame. Clearly the Equestrians had the unfair advantage of flight. And who says the Zalfirians did not poison the wax on Malekith's body to make him weaker? To slow him down? And perhaps Zalfir made a deal with Equestria to let Sunglow win. Clearly the Equestrians were informed beforehand of their staged loss, otherwise they would have brought proper weapons. And that a small group of wraiths died in Zalfir is just Elvish propaganda. They are on a very secret mission somewhere."

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."

Sunday 21 September 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Advisor Ter: "Many of our warriors are taking each other's things, and fighting each other when they find out. This disorder is not beneficial for our nation. Better create some kind of guard that can take the difficult parties before you, and then you can decide who's right and who gets sent to the Ettin mountains."

Advisor Bork: "Nargh. Let them just fight each other. The one that wins is clearly the one that deserves the other's possessions."

Anonymous Priest: "We advise using lightning rods, so that our Lord can help you punish those that disobey law. The rod on each home will draw his divine power, and destroy the infidels."


Priest Grzthgrk: "You have chosen visely, Merizik Rehorn. I vill azk you now to pay tribute to our ghod. Every moon you zhall zacrifize your veak, and rezeive Urzgtharh's favor."

Advisor Julio: "Making our weak people strong is good. But killing our weak people is not. They cannot help being weak, and neither can the person's they love. The gods should be punished for making people weak, not rewarded. Who is to say that Urz... what's his name - even gave us this blessing? Why would an Ettin god help us? I was probably Fortuna helping us out to combat the monsters."

Advisor Stojan: "By accepting the gift we have created a problem with maintaining order. I propose we let soldiers patrol the streets, and immediately deal with any trouble makers. We can deal with the ettin later."


(Only Equestria paid the entry fee for the tournament, so shall I determine who of you both will be the winner?)

Advisor Aleras: "A sudden wave of giant vitreous locusts has recently plagues our farms and cities. These creatures are eating ornamentals and food crops. If we do not strike back with an effective solution, people will starve. And we will be quite embarrassed when the Equestrians come for the tournament. Luckily, I have an effective solution. I have a 'medicine' that can cure all plants of all insect pests, without harming the plants or us (when we eat these plants). This will stop the current plague, and prevent future plagues. Additionally it will help against the nasty mosquitos and flies that bug me when I'm doing my research."

Advisor Nabendu: "That solution is appalling. The real problem is that the natural balance has been disturbed. It's a problem of all growing nations. The solution is to tame the natural enemies of the locusts, and use these to protect our flora. The natural enemies are the giant crystal spiders, which have become a bit scarce in this part of the world."

Advisor Cindal: "I have experimented in the past with all kinds of food, including these locusts. They might destroy our crops, but might not bring starvation unto our people ... if we would eat them. I have noticed that the locusts are easy prey in big swarms, and a lot of them even die on the lands because of their blind gluttony. If we grind these bugs to meal, and bake them, we might create very acceptable food for our people."


Advisor Kvikke: "A lot of people are running around in their birthday suits in the warm months. Perhaps resulting from excessive use of love shrooms, or perhaps because they think everything is allowed in our nation. Do you want to see every wrinkly, unwashed underling? And how will our children react to that? Clothes are invented for a reason."

Advisor Snaeri: "For the sake of equality and for nature most pure, we should demand naturalism. Clothes are a restriction. Clothes suffocate. Clothes hide our true identities. We should get rid of all clothes. Love to you all!"

Advisor Feyte: "This is a personal matter. Not or business. If you don't like what you see, just look away. I don't get why this is a big deal."

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."


Advisor Chrimr: "Recently some middle-class Khemrians have died after the consumption of spoiled blood. We need laws to prohibit the sale of spoiled food, and allow the wraiths to enforce them."

Advisor Tanatei: "That's good and all, but we need to fix the real problem. We just do not have enough fresh blood to go around. What we need is blood farms. We can tie the elves or nords to the spot, and slowly drain the blood from them. If we don't drain them too fast, we can use them for quite some time."

Advisor Mawet: "In this world we have to consider other people's feelings. I don't want to sound too sentimental, but we cannot ignore that other nations are not going to like this. Let blood be an expensive commodity, fine. I'd rather have unhappy peasants than no peasants at all."

Sunday 14 September 2014



(I have placed the city you wanted on M22 on another square (L23), because at the beginning of your turn M22 was not adjacent to a city of yours.)

Advisor Hussime: "Two moons ago, on the west of the Pale-man's Cove, priests of Urzgtharh have performed some very dark rituals. I don't know the exact details, but it involved cannibalism. This ritual has brought some dark power to our nation. A curse has been placed on our people. First only a few were afflicted, but soon we realised the curse spreads to all who touch the accursed.

First the accursed becomes feverish, sickly. But after a week or so they regain their strength, nay, gain greater strength than they had before. The terrible drawback of this curse is the bloodthirstiness that courses through the afflicted's veins. A previously gentle person might suddenly be found to pick fights on the street. People that couldn't hurt a fly are now capable of murder.

We need to make sure that this curse cannot spread. Otherwise our fine Slevadovian people will be turned into Rok-like savages. We could set up some sanatoriums were ill people can suffer their illness in isolation. Whatever the affliction."

Advisor Augustus: "This evil must not only be isolated - it must be destroyed. Annihilated. If we truly want to get rid of this infernal darkness we must use the bright cleansing power of the naked flame. And burn them alive, because this curse only befalls those who are evil-inclined. I can't imagine that truly good people can become bloodthirsty. It must be something already present, slumbering perhaps, but already present and condemnable. Let the wicked burn!"

Advisor Julio: "Is this a curse, or a blessing? You can curb bloodthirstiness with laws, but you cannot increase our people's strength so easily. We are to become a great warrior nation. It would only be natural to accept this gift of strength. Perhaps we could even thank the powers that have brought us this gift, for they might grant us some more?"


Advisor Jawahir: "What do we value most? Imaginative stories, stunning architecture, exciting gameplay; all products of the mind. Some minds are not capable of producing anything valuable, though they serve to control the bodies that do valuable work. Food production, logistics, and so on. Still other minds are not capable of doing either of these things. These people are functionless. Without function they cannot repay the gifts they receive from society. They are a burden to all of us, they are parasites. Luckily we can spot the unwanted conditions - the retardation - even as the child is in the womb. With a special tea we can abort the pregnancy. Should the baby emerge alive even after treatment, because it was fairly mature already, we could choose to give it a large dose of Xilior juice to end its life fairly painlessly. Without this burden, our nation can reach even greater heights."

Advisor Nabendu: "All life is valuable to us, no matter how it appears. Some people are really good at doing things themselves, and others require assistance. It's just the way it is. Life should be more important to us than *products*. It is the one thing that distinguishes us - elves - from the other more lowly races. To regard life as a fantastic, divine phenomenon. It should not be divided into parts by the rational mind. Life is not about usefulness. Not about function. It's about curiosity, and love."

Advisor Aleras: "Life is not *that* important. We also kill certain plants for food, do we not? Think about seeds, they can be regarded as vegetable babies. What's important is minds. Our minds are everything. We must serve the minds of our fellow-elves. When an elf has literally lost her mind, perhaps through some construction accident, that life has lost its value. But when certain characteristics of the mind are altered, it does not become so clear. We could investigate how useful each measurable characteristic is, and translate this into a certain usefulness value for the person. And as characteristics are passed on to the progeny, this means that certain parents should not get children. Well, they might adopt children, or help with raising other people's children, but they shouldn't get babies of their own flesh and blood. We could enforce this in two different ways. We could either punish those that get children without permission, or we could prevent it by a harmless sterilization procedure. The most important, of course, will be to inform the people about how useful this is for society."


Advisor Kvikke: "Certain Equestrians are becoming rather *liberal* with regards to their mating activities. We have tolerated more-than-amical behaviour between the parts of an equestrian pair - all for better bonding, right? But now we have dwarves and pegasi make love with cousins, or even brothers or sisters. This cannot be allowed, it is unnatural. It's a disruption of the divine order. A broken horseshoe, if you will."

Advisor Snaeri: "What are you complaining about? Our nation is great that it allows such freedom of love. If all participants consent, how can there be a problem? Who cares about social position, age, race, and so on? The only truly important thing is LOVE, and we should not restrict it."

Advisor Feyte: "I agree, love is really important. But we must also be rational about it. In some cases this behaviour might lead to the birth of inbreds. And it could also increase the spread of certain illnesses. To deal with these potential consequences, we should create sanatoriums with properly trained herbalists. We are lacking good medical facilities anyway."

Kingdom of Rok

Priest Zirt: "The time has come that you all bow down before the real master of Jotnjordh: DONAR! God of the roaring thunder! God of war! If you bow down now, Donar will grant you victory. Pleasing my Lord is easy: kill and destroy as much as you can. And he will protect you from death."

Advisor Bork: "I've seen no such God. And I know for a fact that thunder and lightning originate on the mountains to the north. It's the home of the Ettin god Urzgtharh. He accepts human sacrifices from fellow human eaters, and rewards them with great power. It makes more sense to worship him."

Advisor Ter: "Our master is Gagnorok! His roar is law! Everybody that thinks otherwise should be killed and eaten!"

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."


Advisor Chrimr: "Recently some middle-class Khemrians have died after the consumption of spoiled blood. We need laws to prohibit the sale of spoiled food, and allow the wraiths to enforce them."

Advisor Tanatei: "That's good and all, but we need to fix the real problem. We just do not have enough fresh blood to go around. What we need is blood farms. We can tie the elves or nords to the spot, and slowly drain the blood from them. If we don't drain them too fast, we can use them for quite some time."

Advisor Mawet: "In this world we have to consider other people's feelings. I don't want to sound too sentimental, but we cannot ignore that other nations are not going to like this. Let blood be an expensive commodity, fine. I'd rather have unhappy peasants than no peasants at all."

Sunday 7 September 2014


Kingdom of Rok

Priest Zirt: "The time has come that you all bow down before the real master of Jotnjordh: DONAR! God of the roaring thunder! God of war! If you bow down now, Donar will grant you victory. Pleasing my Lord is easy: kill and destroy as much as you can. And he will protect you from death."

Advisor Bork: "I've seen no such God. And I know for a fact that thunder and lightning originate on the mountains to the north. It's the home of the Ettin god Urzgtharh. He accepts human sacrifices from fellow human eaters, and rewards them with great power. It makes more sense to worship him."

Advisor Ter: "Our master is Gagnorok! His roar is law! Everybody that thinks otherwise should be killed and eaten!"

Lienzo Republic

Minister Cayu: "The festival we had on the first year of the second age really showed how great Lienzo's cuisine truly is. How great the potential is, I should say. Most people do not have much choice in food, it's mostly black pudding and lard-covered bread. Other things are only consumed as exceptional treat. Therefore I propose we pump some money into local restaurants, so that poor people can afford great food too. Everybody should be able to have fine steak, cheese and wine every day."

Minister Hierro: "You realize we have spent a lot on health recently? I suggest we use this ongoing food-craze to fill our coffers a bit. Let's increase the tax on prize-winning food. It's only rich people buying it anyway, they'll still be able to afford it."

Minister Senagh: "I remember how it was before all these foreigners came here. All was better. I know we cannot evict them, that would go against our fundamental principles. But what if we increased the general tax for non-vampires? That way you don't force them to leave, but do give a push in the right direction. And the extra money can be spent on local restaurants, just as minister Cayu explained. So that every vampire can get a proper meal every day."


Advisor Hussime: "I've heard many rumors about poor working conditions. These people dare not speak out themselves, because they are afraid of getting fired. I think we ought to set up some rules to protect our workers. Random checks and fines should enforce these rules."

Advisor Stojan: "The employers will not allow their workers to truly suffer, as this will hurt the working power of the staff. Additional restrictions will only lead to a reduced economic growth. That'll harm everybody."

Advisor August: "Indeed, it's not the poor, lazy workers that suffer here, it's the hard working gentility. Most gentlemen want to be exempted from the rule that prohibits unemployment. Wealth is a reward for hard work, but it's only useful if you have the spare time to spend it. What about giving people some sort of title when they reach a certain amount of wealth? And just allow those with the title to evade some rules that are clearly designed to keep the scum in line, not to punish the worthy?"


Minister Henricus: "Our nice city of Berlin is troubled by thieves. People are afraid, and business is bad. You just cannot step outside without thinking about these unlucky low-lives. Perhaps you can let soldiers patrol the streets. Authorised to use lethal force. That'll keep them in check."

Minister Gregorius: "These persons should not be killed. For Fortuna might have some purpose for them still. Bring them to the Abbey, my colleagues and I will turn them into exemplars, priests of the lot.

Minister Innocentius: "You are the upholder of our laws. Any crime against a citizen of Austria, is a crime against you. And as you are the high priest, any crime equals heresy. Execution is not the appropriate response. Not immediately anyway. They know damn well that they are not allowed to steal or to kill. And yet they act in a wicked manner nonetheless. Our goddess demands sacrifices. Demands pay back. We shall torture them using geomantic devices to choose the appropriate tool, and after each session choose whether to continue, or to end their unlucky lives."


Advisor Chrimr: "Recently some middle-class Khemrians have died after the consumption of spoiled blood. We need laws to prohibit the sale of spoiled food, and allow the wraiths to enforce them."

Advisor Tanatei: "That's good and all, but we need to fix the real problem. We just do not have enough fresh blood to go around. What we need is blood farms. We can tie the elves or nords to the spot, and slowly drain the blood from them. If we don't drain them too fast, we can use them for quite some time."

Advisor Mawet: "In this world we have to consider other people's feelings. I don't want to sound too sentimental, but we cannot ignore that other nations are not going to like this. Let blood be an expensive commodity, fine. I'd rather have unhappy peasants than no peasants at all."


Advisor Thepoath: "In our society reputation is very important. If you have a good name, your stories are worth more. Some people in our society acquire good stories from unknown people for a low price, essentially thriving without doing the hard work. Therefore we need some law that prohibits this practice: a copyright law. To enforce it, we need an agency that compares all stories from the same author, and checks for consistency. If any inconsistencies are detected, we take further steps like secretely monitoring his daily activities. Eventually perhaps punishing through temporary excommunication."

Advisor Jawahir: "I do not agree with these monitoring activities. Where's good faith gone? Can't we just trust the other people to do the right thing?"

Solorya of the broken eye: "Trust. I would like to trust everybody, but the fact is that some just cannot be trusted. Some people lie. Period.

Honorable twins, you remember that you asked me to watch the scientist and his apprentices? I have discovered that they are developing something that could be redesigned into some kind of lie-detector. We could use this technology as a standard measure to determine the authorship of stories. With your permission we could use it for other law enforcement and intelligence business too."


Advisor Snaeri: "Some of the dwarves have discovered a subterranean mushroom with very special properties. When consumed, all negative feelings are gone. You just feel great, and see flowers and rainbows everywhere. I propose we get some of our dwarves to grow these in farms, so that everybody can access these magical fungi. Think of all the happiness it can bring to our nation!"

Advisor Mentha: "I don't agree. Negative feelings have a function. They prohibit certain dangerous or unwanted behaviour. Otherwise we have Equestrians jumping in fires, push each other off mountains, all with a smile on their faces. I suggest we destroy all of these mushrooms, so that nobody can touch this mind poison."

Advior Feyte: "Let's not do anything rash just yet. Let's collect and store those we can find, and perhaps we can use them in the future. If we ever go into war we might want to give it to our soldiers, to increase their morale."