Nation Description

Player: russgamer / Russ the Dungeon Master
Leader: Kaiser Alexander V (male)
Capital: Berlin
Currency: Uses gold coins with stamped with a crown and calls them crowns, uses silver pieces stamped with a pair of crossed sword called swords. There are 100 silver pieces to one gold piece, with 10 copper pieces, stamped with a sword on shield called shields, being equal to one silver piece.
Race of inhabitants: Nord

Recent History

Year 9: Austria is annexed by Equestria
Year 8: -
Year 7: -
Year 6: -
Year 5: - 
Year 4: -
Year 3: Kaiser Alexander gains divine status as direct descendant of the avatar of Fortuna, and acquires the new function of high priest. The national divinatory organization sells ridiculously overpriced geomantic devices.
Year 2: Private land is bought by the government to create public hunting grounds. Hunting is glorified by a yearly national hunting contest.
Year 1: -

Additional Info on Leader

Kaiser Alexander the Fifth oversees a pseudo-constitutional monarchy with military officers possessing land and titles serving in the upper house of Parliament with non military officers with lands and titles plus the common people serving in the lower house of Parliament. The government is "His Imperial Majesty's Government" or H.I.M.G., which controls the nation. The Kaiser hold the power to replace members of the government at his whim as well as appoint new officials. The government functions via ministers, appointed by the Prime Minister with the Kaiser's blessing.

Kaiser Alexander the Fifth is nearly 50 years of age and is an established war hero. He supports limited tariff trade relations, a well supported and trained army, a society in which your accomplishments count more than who your parents are, and a mix of labor and non-labor groups. Kaiser Alexander believes in supporting the state with religion, or that the religions in the nation are to preach support of the state in all ways.

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