Nation Description

Player: Wouter van den Berg
Leader: Dash the Swift (female) and Tobion (male)
Capital: Cloudsdale
Currency: Bits. As in, one bit, multiple bits. Bits are golden coins, imprinted with horseshoes.
Race of Inhabitants: Dwarf

Trade Routes

Slevadovia (+2)
Lienzo Republic (+1)

Recent History

Year 11: Equestrian herpetologists have started investigating the worm-tunnels.
Year 10: The Austrian culture is incorporated into Equestria's. Dash the Swift has retaken the throne together with her Friend Tobion. The two rulers hand over all cities (except the capital and the monumental city of Love), as well as all economic, military, and cultural resources to Slevadovia.
Year 9:  Royal advisor Kvikke has temporarily taken over command of Equestria, his main goals are to remove the nation-wide mushroom addiction, and to restore the work ethic of days past. Equestria annexed Austria.
Year 8: The cancerous 'ugly' curse spreads like wildfire through the nation, especially because some people hope that it will bless them with the ultimate dwarf-pegasus unification: ulcerous fusion.
Year 7: Wearing clothes is prohibited in the warm seasons.
Year 6: Mating freedoms result in complicated family relations and inbreeding. (Equestria paid the tournament entry fee to Zalfir)
Year 5: Euphoria-inducing mushrooms are grown on large scale. The government has just started the construction of the great love academy.
Year 4: Water bodies are approached only with guards, due to presence of dangerous lake creatures.
Year 3:  Two lower spires of Cloudsdale are repurposed as schools for Duochildren, where they learn the history of Equestria. Schools are funded by tuition fees.
Year 2: Criminal offenders are brought before a council by the national guard. This elected council is called The Tribunal, and consists of 3 Equestrian duocitizens, and 3 outsiders (of 3 major races).
Year 1: All people without a partner in the holy union (mainly outlanders and some underdwarves), are banished from Equestria. 


Equestrian have been a nation of symbionts as long as anyone can remember. Together with their pegasi, they have lived in peace in the clouds for centuries. By outsiders, the pegasi are seen as mounts, work animals even, but the truth could be no further from this. In fact, neither Equestrian nor pegasus could live without the other. From the day they are born, both races play, live and work together through a symbiotic relationship. Each Equestrian has its own pegasus, and so each pegasus has its own Equestrian citizen. Both are regarded equally within the Equestrian community, and the pairs formed at or near birth are regarded as inseparable, as mostly they are exactly that. Members of an Equestrian citizen-pegasus pair are known as 'Friends'. This term is regarded as the strongest bond two individuals can have.

However, as there can be only one ruler, one has to leave one's Friend behind to rule the nation. Many years ago, civil unrest caused the internal integrity of the reigning ruler to break down, and so he fled. The nation was in dire need of strong leadership, and Dash took it upon herself to leave her Friend behind to make things right within the nation. She took the throne for herself, and has provided excellent leadership ever since. Nobody has heard of Geoff, her Equestrian Friend, ever since.

Depending mostly on willpower and a strong moral code, Dash has made the nation thrive with prosperity for many years now. Though she had to leave her Friend behind, Dash takes it upon herself and her nation to be as friendly as possible towards all travellers, strangers and foreigners, making for an extremely open civilization. As aristocracy goes however, most high offices in the government are still run by Equestrian/pegasus citizen pairs, leaving little representation for immigrant groups.


Cloudsdale is a city built up from the inside of a mountain, the original origination point of the Equestrian people. Before they started to build up higher, the inhabitants of the mountain were no collected civilization. The rich ores the mountain provided called many a dwarven tribe to settle in or around the mountain. Seeing as waging war around your primary resource is a terrible idea, the peace loving dwarves instead lived in peace beside eachother. As they tunnelled their way around, tribes met, and soon enough bonds and alliances were formed.

To supply the cave systems with oxygen, some tunnels were dug upwards, creating holes in the sides of the mountain. Ancient scrolls tell the tale of a young dwarf going by the name of Suze, who was the first to discover the existence of the pegasi. According to legend she was on one of the air supply tunnel teams. One day, while digging an especially steep tunnel up, her pick hit the wall and broke through, letting in rays of sunlight. As dwarves are grounddwellers by nature, they have a strong dislike for sunlight. However, she noticed the sunlight being blocked every once in a while. To investigate, she dared to look up, and saw not only clouds, of which the dwarves had known the existence, but around the cloud were these majestic backwinged equines. They soared and raced and when they were done performing their aerial maneuvers, they landed on clouds to rest.

It is told that Suze did not comment on the creatures, she simple stayed where she was and admired them, gazing upon the glory she saw before her. She was so absolutely fascinated by the animals, it almost cost her life. She would not sleep, eat or drink, all she wanted to do was stare. Lucky for her, after more than half a moon had passed, one of the pegasi noticed her and swooped down to investigate for itself what kind of creature was gazing up at him and his kin. The pegasus took Suze to an infirmary and nursed her back to health. Ever since, dwarf and pegasus have lived in harmony with eachother. The dwarves named their folk, in honour of their equine counterparts, Equestrians. The materials from centuries of digging were reallocated to build giant towers up into the skies out from the mountain. There, platform were built to live side by side with the pegasi, though some pegasi actually went downwards, and have been living in the tunnels at the heart of the mountain.

As the city platforms are a long way removed from the old tunnel city, a high and a low society developed. Both are a mix of Equestrian citizens and pegasi. The lower society is made up mostly of a strongbacked, callused working force, whereas high society literally is the part of society that lives high up in the clouds.


  1. Does the name Cloudsdale imply that the clouds are locally lower than normal? Or are the buildings very tall so that they reach the clouds?

    (I'd rule against floating buildings)

    1. Ah well, seems like I will have to slightly adjust my lore then. I see I missed a lot of things I wanted to include yesterday, though in my defence, it was late.
      Cloudsdale is a city built up from the inside of a mountain, the original origination point of the Equestrian people. Before they started to build up higher, the inhabitants of the mountain were no collected civilization. The rich ores the mountain provided called many a dwarven tribe to settle in or around the mountain. Seeing as waging war around the your primary resource is a terrible idea, the peace loving dwarves instead lived in peace beside eachother. As they tunneled their way around, tribes met, and soon enough bonds and alliances were formed.

      To supply the cave systems with oxygen, some tunnels were dug upwards, creating holes in the sides of the mountain. Ancient scrolls tell the tale of a young dwarf going by the name of Suze, who was the first to discover the existence of the pegasi. According to legend she was on one of the air supply tunnel teams. One day, while digging an especially steep tunnel up, her pick hit the wall and broke through, letting in rays of sunlight. As dwarves are grounddwellers by nature, they have a strong dislike for sunlight. However, she noticed the sunlight being blocked every once in a while. To investigate, she dared to look up, and saw not only clouds, of which the dwarves had known the existence, but around the cloud were these majestic backwinged equines. They soared and raced and when they were done performing their aerial maneuvers, they landed on clouds to rest.

      It is told that Suze did not comment on the creatures, she simple stayed where she was and admired them, gazing upon the glory she saw before her. She was so absolutely fascinated by the animals, it almost cost her life. She would not sleep, eat or drink, all she wanted to do was stare. Lucky for her, after more than half a moon had passed,one of the pegasi noticed her and swooped down to investigate for itself what kind of creature was gazing up at him and his kin. The pegasus took Suze to an infirmary and nursed her back to health. Ever since, dwarf and pegasus have lived in harmony with eachother. The dwarves named their folk, in honour of their equine counterparts, Equestrians. The materials from centuries of digging were reallocated to build giant towers up into the skies out from the mountain. There, platform were built to live side by side with the pegasi, though some pegasi actually went downwards, and have been living in the tunnels at the heart of the mountain.

      As the city platforms are a long way removed from the old tunnel city, a high and a low society developed. Both are a mix of Equestrian citizens and pegasi. The lower society is made up mostly of a strongbacked, callused working force, whereas high society literally is the part of society that lives high up in the clouds.

      (Storywriting is fun!)
